Planning Board Meeting Report

At the August 15, 2023 meeting of the Planning Board, the board voted on the agenda items listed below.  Chair of the Board Jonathan Sahrbeck and board member Andrew Gilbert are absent.  

1.  Approval of Friendly Amendments for the July 18, 2023 Minutes; 5-0 vote.
Minor grammatical edits were requested by board member James Huebener.  A friendly amendment to the minutes as amended was made and passed.

2.  Approval of a Resource Protection Permit and Subdivision Amendment at 4 Balsam Road with conditions; 5-0 vote.
The application of David and Stacy Calabrese requesting a Resource Protection Permit to alter 3,965 sq. ft. of RP@ wetland to construct a single family home located at 4 Balsam Road, and a Subdivision amendment to reflect merger of lots, Sec. 19-8-3 was deemed complete at the last board meeting held July 18, 2023.  

Following a public hearing in which no one spoke, the board voted to approve the applicants' request with the following conditions:

  1. That the plans be revised to address the comments of the Town Engineer in his letter dated August 8, 2023;
  2. That a commitment to maintain the stormwater maintenance system on the property as shown on the approved Planning Board plan be recorded with the lot deed; and
  3. That there be no issuance of a building permit or alteration of the site until the above conditions have been satisfied.

3.  Motion to Table Carr Woods Condominium Project to September 19, 2023; 5-0 vote.
Bill Gerrish of Northeast Civil Solutions provided the board with an update to the Shore Road Development Partners LLC request for final subdivision review and a Resource Protection Permit for the proposed Carr Woods 16 unit condominium and 1 single family home located on Deep Brook Drive.  As requested at the July 18 board meeting, Gerrish met with Tree Warden Jeff Tarling on July 20 to assess the proposed tree removals and buffering.  Gerrish reported that Tarling identified trees that are, "In decline or could potentially suffer from construction."  Due to the risk that these trees pose, Tarling recommended the removal of 28 trees that are located on, or just outside the proposed construction limits. Approximately 52 new trees will be planted in the same general areas.  Gerrish also stated that Tarling expressed that the plan was "feasible" and that he, "Is very willing to come on site and help with the project."

Additionally, Gerrish reported that the applicants are amenable to the five recommendations presented by the Conservation Committee.  Among them is the update of the Condominium Recording Plat *Sheets 1and 2 of 2) to include a 10-foot wide buffer around the RP2 wetlands outside of the alteration areas.  

Public comments primarily addressed concerns over: Blasting and the absence of a plan to address any potential damages caused to abutters as a result of blasting; Pollution and negative impact to Casino Beach as a result of an increase in stormwater runoff; and Technical capacity of the developer.

Board discussion centered largely on gathering evidence that would help them gauge whether or not the developer has the capacity to complete the infrastructure of the project.  In particular, the ability for the developer to implement infrastructure which works in conjunction with stormwater runoff mitigation in the Casino Beach area.   Board member Alton Palmer said, "Casino Beach raises the bar above "adequate" [the word used in the subdivision ordinance].  I am not 100% comfortable that the recent application submission has met their burden to demonstrate that they [developer] have the technical ability to complete the infrastructure."

The board indicated a desire to meet with the Town attorney to gain a better understanding of the technical standards the ordinance requires the board to apply in this situation.  Additionally, the board requested that the developer provide a portfolio of completed projects which are technically similar, as well as include a blasting plan with the application.  

Derek Lavallee made a motion to table the application until the September 19 meeting; Palmer seconded.

4.  Motion to Adjourn at 9:24 p.m.; 5-0 vote.

Access to all meeting materials, including a link to the video recording is available here.
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