Town Council Meeting Report

At the August 14, 2023 Town Council meeting, the council voted on the agenda items listed below.  All members of the council were present.

1.  Approval of Draft Minutes for July 17, 2023 Regular Meeting; 7-0 vote.

2.  Approval of Item #104-2023 to Adopt amendments recommended by the Ordinance Committee to Chapter 7 Dogs Sec. 7-1-7; 7-0 vote.
The approved amendments originally were recommended by the Animal Control Officer Maggie Maxwell at the May 8 council meeting.   Amendments to Chapter 7 Dogs Sec. 7-1-7 Management of Dogs on Municipal Property aim to streamline and de-escalate enforcement notification process.

3.  Vote to send Item # 105-2023 Gull Crest Affordability Housing Feasibility Report to a Town Council Workshop; 7-0 vote.
Town Council was asked to consider next steps on Item #105-2023 following the Gull Crest Affordable Housing Feasibility Report as presented at the July 17 council meeting.  The draft motion on the agenda referred the report to the Ad-Hoc Housing Diversity Study Committee and Conservation Committee for review and report back to the Town Council.  However, a motion was made by councilor Penny Jordan and seconded by Gretchen Noonan, to send the report to a future Town Council workshop.  "I want to understand the health implications are to the environmental issues that are at Gull Crest [capped landfill, sewage treatment, and active dump] before I would move forward with anything," Jordan said.  Councilor Nicole Boucher added that the council should also first determine whether or not the public has the appetite to finance the necessary steps involved in adding housing at Gull Crest.  Councilor Gretchen Noonan concurred with both councilors and requested that information be gathered on whether or not affordable housing developers would consider financing at the location.

Chair Jeremy Gabrielson suggested that the workshop be held in October or November, after the Housing Diversity Study Committee receives public feedback via an upcoming survey the committee will be issuing.  In the meantime, Gabrielson and Town Manager Matthew Sturgis will gather pertinent information and provide a status update at the September Town Council meeting.

4.  Approval of Item #106-2023 to Enter into a Contract with Cumberland County for General Assistance Administrative Services; 7-0 vote.
Sturgis explained that on July 1, 2023, The Opportunity Alliance ended services to municipalities for the administration of general assistance.  As a result, Sturgis pursued other options which included Cumberland County.  During the month of July, the Town of Scarborough generously provided the service.

5.  Affirmation of Item #107-2023 to appoint a new Finance Director, Kristie D. Bradbury; 7-0 vote.
The council voted to affirm the Town Manager's recommendation to hire Kristie D. Bradbury as the Town's new Finance Director.  Bradbury has a foundational background in audit with RHR Smith, served 9 years as deputy finance director with the City of South Portland, one with the Town of Scarborough, one with the City of Biddeford, and has expertise in the Town's new financing software.

As noted in the Town Manger's Monthly Report, the Town's first Finance Director, John Quartoraro, passed away on August 1 from cancer.  The search for a replacement began after Quartararo announced that he would retire in September.

6.  Approval to refer Item #108-2023 On-Street Parking Regulations to the Ordinance Committee; 7-0 vote.
Chair Gabrielson requested that this item be placed on the council agenda given the numerous emails the council has received regarding parking on Shore Road near Cliff House Beach.  Additionally, he would like to expand the review of parking as related to the future Shore Road Rehabilitation Project.  Councilor P. Jordan also asked for this item to be reviewed "holistically" across a broad range of possible strategies the Town might consider to address parking on a variety of levels.

7.  Approval of Item #109-2023 to Ratify the award of the 2023 bond anticipation note (BAN) to Raymond James; 7-0 vote.
The vote ratifies the award of the 2023 BAN for the school construction project to the low bidder Raymond James & Associates with a coupon rate of 5.00%, net premium of $34,903, net interest cost of 3.754576% and net proceeds of $1,934,903.00.

8.  Approval of Item #110-2023 to Authorize the Municipal Election Warrant for November 7, 2023;  7-0 vote.
Town Clerk Debra Lane requested direction from the Town Council on whether the pesticide use ordinance appear on the November 7 warrant and ballot in summary form or printed in its entirety.  Printing the entire ordinance might not allow the ballot, which includes Town Council and School Board nominations, to be printed on both sides of one ballot.

The council voted to include a summary of the ordinance, rather than the entire language. The full text will be made available to voters on the Town's website by visiting the: Town Clerk, Elections & Voting page; Posted with the sample ballots at Town Hall and at the polls on Election Day; Included with absentee ballots; and collecting copies available in the Town Clerk's Office.

9.  Approval of Item #111-2023 Maine Municipal Association Annual Ballot;  7-0 vote.
The approval of this agenda item authorizes the Town Manager to sign the annual voting ballot to elect the proposed 2024 slate of nominees as recommended by the Maine Municipal Association's Nominating Committee:

Vice President - 1 Year Term; Melissa Diane, Town Manager, Town of Bradley
Executive Committee - 3 Year Term; 1) Shiloh LaFreniere, Town Manager, Town of Gray, 2) Nathaniel Rudy, Town Manager, Town of Gray and 3) Dina Walker, Selectperson, Town of Weld.

10.  Motion to Approve Item #112-2023 for the Town Council to Move to Executive Session to Receive an update from the Town Attorney on the progress relating to The Lumbery, 287 Ocean House Road Enforcement Action;  7-0 vote.
Before moving to Executive Session, the council received public comment from several residents who spoke in support of the local business.  Chair Gabrielson indicated that he did not anticipate that the council would take any action regarding the suit following the Executive Session.

11.  Motion to Adjourn;  7-0 vote.
The council returned to the council chambers following the Executive Session and voted to adjourn with no further actions or comments.  

Note:  The audio on this portion of the meeting's video was not on.

Access to all meeting materials, including a link to the video recording is available here.
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