Town Manager's Monthly Report

The following Town Manager's Monthly Report was delivered at the August 14, 2023 Town Council Meeting.


On August 1, our Finance Director John Quartararo passed away from liver cancer. John had been with the Town for the past four years and he was the first Finance Director for the Town. Our entire staff is grateful for the time John was with us and are grateful for the positive impact he had on the Town’s financial systems. He will definitely be missed.

The sidewalk project in the Town Center is mostly complete, with some remaining landscaping items to be wrapped up in the next week and a half. We are hopeful that the new sidewalks will improve the safety for all pedestrians in the Town Center.

Paving work in the Oakhurst neighborhood and other planned paving in town will increase over the next three weeks.  Impacted neighborhoods have been contacted by the Public Works Department in advance of this work.

The Town has advertised for two open  positions, the first being our Finance Director position, which is on the agenda for this evening for action with the appointment of Kristie Bradbury. The other position that is open is for the Deputy Clerk position, and we are in the process of interviewing candidates. The Deputy Clerk position is part of the succession planning that we began in the Clerk’s office last year, with the successful hiring of Angela Frawley.

Finally, the 25th Beach to Beacon road race was successfully completed on August 5th. We are very proud of the work our Police, Fire / EMS, Public Works, Facilities, and Community Services teams do to assist with the race. Each year, post-race the leadership team does a debriefing over what went well and what could improve, with our efforts aimed toward promoting the community and the special place that is Cape Elizabeth. We are proud to assist and work with the B2B team with this world class event.

Respectfully submitted,

Matthew E. Sturgis 

Town Manager

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