School Building Advisory Committee Press Release


Cape Elizabeth School Building Advisory Committee Invites Community to Participate in Crucial School Building Survey

CAPE ELIZABETH, JULY 24, 2023 — The Cape Elizabeth School Building Advisory Committee

(SBAC) is set to launch a comprehensive survey to gather community opinions on the future of Cape Elizabeth school buildings. All residents are encouraged to participate and help guide the direction of the proposal to address the infrastructure needs of our school buildings.

Households across Cape Elizabeth will soon receive a mailer that includes the survey. The Committee kindly asks residents to anticipate this mailer and promptly respond to the survey upon receipt.

This outreach initiative seeks the views of every community member, aged 18 and above, regardless of whether they currently have children enrolled in Cape Elizabeth schools or how they voted in the past referendum. By incorporating a wide array of opinions, the committee aims to ensure the resulting proposal will optimally serve the diverse needs of our community.

To maintain strict confidentiality, the SBAC has engaged Portland Research Group, an independent consultant, to manage the survey. They will administer the survey, gather data, and analyze results.  Individual responses will remain confidential to Portland Research Group, and will only be reported in total. No member of the Cape Elizabeth town government, Cape Elizabeth School Board, or the SBAC will have access to any individual responses to the survey.

The mailer will provide instructions for completing the survey online, which is the preferred method for residents to take the survey. The online option not only minimizes town expenses but also speeds up data processing, ensuring a swift and efficient analysis of the results. However, for residents who may not have access to the internet, a paper version of the survey will be included in the mailer. Those wishing to use this method may return their completed surveys in the provided postage-paid envelope.

Upon completion of the survey and data analysis, the SBAC plans to share the results with the community. A public forum will be held in September 2023 where these results will be presented by Portland Research Group and open for discussion. Further details about this forum will be communicated closer to the date.

The SBAC extends its sincere thanks to the Cape Elizabeth community in advance for their participation and is looking forward to shaping a proposal for the Cape Elizabeth school buildings that best meets the community's needs.


Press Contact:

Christopher Record

Superintendent, Cape Elizabeth Schools




About the Cape Elizabeth School Building Advisory Committee (SBAC)

The SBAC is a joint ad hoc advisory committee of the School Board and the Town Council, formed in March 2023. Its mission is to create a strategic, cost-effective plan to address the school building needs of Cape Elizabeth following the rejection of a $116 million school bond referendum in November 2022.  The SBAC's work is focused on thorough assessment, comprehensive community outreach, and the development of a plan that serves the needs of students, educators, families, and the community.

For more information, please visit the committee website:

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