Planning Board Meeting Report

CORRECTION:  The report incorrectly listed that the "Primary outstanding issue causing delay [for the Carr Woods project] was around open space."  Open space was the primary issue prior to being granted "preliminary approval" on August 16, 2022.  The applicants requested two extensions because the original purchaser and developer for Carr Woods withdrew from the project.

At the June 20, 2023 Planning Board meeting, the board voted on the agenda items listed below.  Board members Derek LaVallee and Alton Palmer were absent; Andrew Gilbert recused himself from the meeting due to conflict of interest.

1.  Approval of Minutes from May 16, 2023; 4-0 vote.

2A.  Approval of CELT 2023 Boardwalks Resource Protection Permit; 4-0 vote on completeness.  
The Cape Elizabeth Land Trust (CELT) is requesting a Resource Protection Permit to install boardwalks at Hobstone (U30-6), located off of Hobstone Road and reconfigure boardwalks at Robinson Woods (R02-1, U9-2-2), located at Shore Road, Sec. 19-8-3.  On June 13 the Conservation Committee received a presentation from CELT regarding their application.  The Conservation Committee unanimously approved the application to be complete and unanimously voted to recommend a Resource Protection permit be approved by the Planning Board.

2B. Approval of the CELT 2023 Boardwalks Resource Protection Permit and project; 4-0 vote.
After voting on the applications completeness, a public hearing in which no one spoke was held.  Following the public hearing, the Planning Board voted 4-0 in favor of approving the project.

3.  Approval of Carr Woods Application Completeness; 4-0 vote.
Shore Road Development Partners LLC is requesting final subdivision review and a Resource Protection Permit for Carr Woods, a 16-unit condominium and 1 single family home located on Deep Brook Drive (U6-91, 91A, 92, 94A, 95), Sec. 16-2-4 Final Subdivision Completeness and Sec. 19-8-3, Resource Protection Permit Completeness.  The applicant last met with the board on March 21, 2023, whereby the Planning Board granted the applicant a second extension until June 20 as the purchase and sale agreement with the prior purchaser had been terminated.  Gordon Smith, the attorney for Andrew Carr, Debra Carr and Ena Hanson of Carr Woods, explained that a new agreement with Shore Road Development Partners LLC, "Is about to be finalized."

On August 16, 2022, the Planning Board voted in favor of granting the project preliminary approval with conditions. One of the conditions was that the applicant meet with the Conservation Committee to receive feedback on the proposed trail network. The applicants met with the Conservation Committee on June 13 and reviewed both the proposed wetland alterations and the overall open space concept, including public access. At the close of the meeting the committee voted unanimously in favor of recommending the application be deemed complete. During the June 20, Planning Board meeting, Bill Gerrish of Northeast Civil Solutions reviewed the resulting changes made since preliminary approval was received. The changes include the decision to remove the trail network and the increase in open space with the removal of one duplex unit.

Public comments followed the presentation; speakers raised concerns that proof of financial and technical capabilities were incomplete.

The board voted 4-0 in favor of the application's completeness.  The board will hold a site visit on Thursday, June 29, beginning at 5:00 p.m. at Deep Brook Rd. prior to the next Planning Board meeting on July 18 at which point the board will begin reviewing merits of the project.
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