HDSC launches new community engagement platform

Using the same public engagement tool utilized by the 2019 Comprehensive Plan Committee, the Housing Diversity Study Committee (HDS) has launched their own community engagement forum through Loomio.  Loomio facilitates community discussion and collaboration by asking for public feedback on specific questions or issues.

The purpose of the Housing Diversity Study Committee forum is to provide a way for community members to openly discuss and engage in a series of conversations and/or questions relating to increasing housing diversity in Cape Elizabeth.  Members of the HSDC will take turns moderating the forum and put put forth new topics every two weeks.  The forum is intended to work in conjunction with a formal survey that will be designed by the town and distributed to residents in the near future.  The tool is intended to allow for some back and forth discussion and more in-depth sharing.

The site will be open to the public to view the discussions.  In order to comment, you must first sign up.  You will not be able to comment until you are approved.  Questions about how the site works or technical issues should be directed to Judy Colby-George at jcg@viewshed.net.

To participate, please register:  REGISTER.

Once your registration is confirmed, you will be able to comment on the first two questions listed below:

1.  What are the greatest hurdles to supporting housing diversity and affordability in Cape Elizabeth?

2.  Do you think that housing diversity (including affordability, size, and type of housing) is important in maintaining or improving your community?  Why?  Or why not?

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