Town Manager's Monthly Report

Town Manager’s Report Delivered at the June 12, 2023 Town Council Meeting


As the Town transitions to summer and the end of the fiscal year, this month’s report will update the council on current projects underway, capital equipment updates, and reminder on upcoming operating hours changes. 

The solar energy project to be located behind the recycling center received unanimous approval at the May Planning Board meeting. At the present time encore is waiting for the results of the cap amendment from DEP, are starting the ALTA survey process, updating design details, and other outstanding items that also flow from what the DEP approves. As I receive future updates, I will bring them forward.

The sidewalk construction from Pond Cove Shopping Center to Fowler Road has begun. At the present time the project is paused as materials for the next phase are being organized, and construction is planned to restart on June 26th

Survey and engineering work is beginning on the town center intersection planning and engineering project, and you may notice surveyors over the next two weeks.

The site evaluation of Gull Crest for the potential siting of affordable housing is underway, and I anticipate Sebago Technics will present their findings and report at the July 10 Town Council meeting. 

The new ambulance unit is nearing completion, with an anticipated delivery at the end of June, early July.

Work will commence on the installation of irrigation for the Village Green, with completion planned for early July. 

Planned paving will be taking place in the Oakhurst neighborhood over the summer. This paving work is being coordinated with planned maintenance with the Portland Water District. All of the residents that will have their streets paved have been contacted directly by the Public Works Department. 

Residents may also find interest in two upcoming survey efforts that will be underway over the summer, with both the Housing Diversity Study Committee and School Building Advisory Committee planning surveys. 

Finally, staff is handing out notifications on the new operating hours beginning on July 1st at the Recycling Center, Tax Collection, Community Services and the Library. New signs have been placed at the Recycling Center and other locations in Town notifying of the changes, and signage at the Recycling Center also is advertising the changes. Electronic messaging will also be deployed the last two weeks of June. Additionally, thank you to the Cape Courier for their coverage of the changes.

Respectfully Submitted,

Matthew Sturgis

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