Cape voters support both bond issues in state referendum election

Cape Elizabeth voters supported the two bond issue questions that gained statewide approval on the referendum election June 12. A total of 609 voters turned out at Cape Elizabeth High School for the two-question referendum, a turnout of approximately 8 percent. Here are the results for Cape Elizabeth:

Question 1. “Do you favor a $112,975,000 bond issue for improvements to highways and bridges, airports, public transit facilities, ferry and port facilities including port and harbor structures and bicycle and pedestrian trails that makes the State eligible for over $260,525,000 in federal and other matching funds?"

Cape Elizabeth results:

Yes: 466

No: 143

Question 2. "Do you favor an $18,300,000 bond issue to support drinking water programs and to support the construction of wastewater treatment facilities that will leverage $49,500,000 in other funds?"

Cape Elizabeth results:

Yes: 453

No: 154

More: Elections Results History