School budget validation fails a second time

For the second time, Cape Elizabeth voters defeated a proposed school budget for 2008-09.

In a special validation referendum July 22, a $19.9 million budget adopted by the Town Council on July 14 was narrowly defeated by a vote of 1,141 against to 1,097  in favor. The difference was 44 votes.

The budget would have increased school spending next year by 6 percent.

In a second, advisory vote, the majority who answered the question, 1,158, said the adopted budget was too high. A total of 603 said it was too low.

It was the second budget validation vote held in Cape Elizabeth this summer, after a first budget of $19.7 million failed at the polls June 10. That budget posed an increase in school spending of 4.6 percent.

The voter referendum is mandated by the state's new school consolidation law. "We're going again," said Town Clerk Ruth Noble, reporting the election results. The new law requires school units to hold validation votes until a school budget passes.

Noble reported the total number of ballots cast to be 2,249, for a turnout of approximately 30 percent.

Here are the results of the July 22 school budget validation referendum:

Do you favor approving the Town of Cape Elizabeth school budget for the upcoming school year that was adopted at the latest school budget meeting of the town council?

YES 1,097

NO  1,141

Advisory Question of Cape Elizabeth School Budget:

The following is a non-binding expression of opinion for the consideration of the School Board and Town Council.

I find the school budget adopted at the July 14, 2008 Town Council’s school budget meeting to be:

TOO HIGH  1,158

TOO LOW  603

Previous stories:

  • Public hearing on 2008-09 school budget increase of 6 percent set for July 14 (06/26/08)
  • School budget on council agenda for morning meeting June 26 (06/23/08)
  • Board again proposes 6-percent increase for 2008-09 school spending (06/17/08)
  • School budget validation fails (06/10/08)
  • Council sets morning meeting for fitness center, collective bargaining review on June 26 (06/11/08)
More: Elections Results History