Voters disapprove of Fort Williams parking fee, OK $20.7 million school budget

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Cape Elizabeth voters said "no" June 8 to the pay/display system of collecting parking fees at Fort Williams Park that was approved by the Town Council in February.

Unofficial results June 8 show 2,532 residents who voted in a non-binding referendum said they do not favor the Town establishing a pay/display parking program for Fort Williams Park; 1,262 said "yes".

In a similar referendum in 2006, voters said "no" to parking fees at Fort Williams, 3,145 votes to 1,951.

In other election news, voters on June 8 validated a $20.7 million school budget for 2010-2011, with 2,584 voting for the budget and 1,072 voting against. Two advisory questions accompanying the validation question showed most voters believed the amount of spending, up 3.4 percent, was acceptable, but the 1,772 vote majority was followed closely by the 1,216 who said they thought the budget too high. Voters were more decisive on whether the school budget validation process should continue, with 2,680 saying Cape Elizabeth should hold school budget validation's for the next three years.

Cape wants to keep tax-law revision, prefer Rowe for Democratic gubernatorial nomination

In the state primary and referendum election, Cape Elizabeth differed from the majority of Maine voters by voting - by a narrow margin - to reject a people's veto of legislation that would lower income taxes and changing the state sales tax. (Question 1). The veto was endorsed by voters across the state, but Cape Elizabeth voted 1,937-1,806 to let the law stand.

Cape Elizabeth Democrats also parted ways with the rest of the state in giving their nod to Steve Rowe as their candidate for governor in November. Rowe got 550 Cape Elizabeth votes, compared to 430 votes for Libby Mitchell, who secured the statewide nomination.

Turnout estimated at 50 percent

On June 9, Town Clerk Debra Lane estimated a voter turnout of 50 percent, working with one voter lists for the primary/referendum, and a separate one for the school budget validation. The final turnout calculation will be available when staff can access the incoming voter list from Election Day, Lane said. State law requires the lists with the names of people voting to be sealed for a period after the election.

The number of absentee ballots cast for the primary, state referendum and special
municipal referendum elections was 546, Lane said. The number of absentee ballots cast for the school budget validation election was 507, she said.

Click here to view unofficial Cape Elizabeth results.

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June 8, 2010 unofficial election results:

Town of Cape Elizabeth Advisory Referendum

The Town Council has referred the following question to the voters as an advisory referendum:

  • Would you favor the Town establishing a "pay/display" parking program for Fort Williams Park?

Yes 1262
No 2532

School Budget Validation Questions:

  • Do you favor approving the Town of Cape Elizabeth school budget for the upcoming school year that was adopted at the last school budget meeting of the Town Council?

Yes 2584
No 1072


The following is a non-binding expression of opinion for the consideration of the School Board and the Town Council:

  • I find the school budget adopted at the May 25, 2010 Town Council's school budget meeting to be:
    • Too High _____1216 votes
    • Acceptable _____1772 votes
    • Too Low ______506 votes


Do you wish to continue the budget validation referendum process in Cape Elizabeth for an additional three years?

  • Yes 2680 votes
  • No 925 votes

Informational note:

A "Yes" vote will require Cape Elizabeth to continue to conduct a referendum to validate its annual school budget for the next three years.

A "No" vote will discontinue the budget referendum for at least three years and provide instead that the annual school budget shall be finally adopted at a meeting of the Town Council.

State of Maine Referendum Questions (Cape Elizabeth results only - unofficial)

(veto of PL 2009, c. 382 “An Act To Implement Tax Relief and Tax Reform”)

Question  1  (People’s Veto): 

“Do you want to reject the new law that lowers Maine’s income tax and replaces that revenue by making changes to the sales tax?”

Yes - 1806 votes
No - 1937 votes


Question  2  (Bond Issue): 

"Do you favor a $26,500,000 bond issue that will create jobs through investment in an off-shore wind energy demonstration site and related manufacturing to advance Maine’s energy independence from imported foreign oil, that will leverage $24,500,000 in federal and other funds and for energy improvements at campuses of the University of Maine System, Maine Community College System and Maine Maritime Academy in order to make facilities more efficient and less costly to operate?”

Yes - 2698 votes
No - 1041 votes

Question  3  (Bond Issue):

"Do you favor a $47,800,000 bond issue to create jobs in Maine through improvements to highways, railroads and marine facilities, including port and harbor structures, and specifying the allocation of $4,000,000 of the transportation bond approved by voters in November 2009 to be used for capital rail purposes?”

Yes - 2564 votes
No - 1160 votes

Question  4  (Bond Issue):

"Do you favor a $23,750,000 bond issue to provide capital investment to stimulate economic development and job creation by making investments under the Communities for Maine’s Future Program and in historic properties; providing funding for research and development investments awarded through a competitive process; providing funds for disbursements to qualifying small businesses; and providing grants for food processing for fishing, agricultural, dairy and lumbering businesses within the State and redevelopment projects at the Brunswick Naval Air Station that will make the State eligible for over $39,000,000 in federal and other matching funds?”

Yes - 2320 votes
No - 1383 votes

Question  5  (Bond Issue):

"Do you favor a $10,250,000 bond issue to improve water quality, support drinking water programs and the construction of wastewater treatment facilities and to assist farmers in the development of environmentally sound water sources that will leverage $33,250,000 in federal and other funds?”

Yes - 2573 votes
No - 1142 votes

Primary Election

Democratic Primary Republican Primary Green Independent Primary
(no votes to report)

Governor (vote for 1)

  • McGowan, Patrick K.
    - 318 votes
  • Mitchell, Elizabeth H.
    Vassalborough - 430 votes
  • Richardson, John G.
    Brunswick - 13 votes
  • Rowe, G. Steven
    Portland - 550 votes
  • Scarcelli, Rosa W.
    - 370 votes
  • Write-in: Dion, Donna J. - 0 votes

Representative to Congress
District 1

  • Pingree, Chellie
    North Haven
    - 1460 votes

State Senator
District 7

  • Bliss, Lawrence
    South Portland
    - 1397 otes

Representative to the Legislature

  • Dill, Cynthia A. (Dist. 121 only)
    Cape Elizabeth
    - 1311 votes
  • Eberle, Jane E. (Dist. 123 only)
    South Portland
    - 177 votes

Judge of Probate

  • Mazziotti, Joseph R.
    - 1313 votes

County Treasurer

  • Gurney, Diane Lee
    - 1288 votes

Register of Deeds

  • Lovley, Pamela E.
    - 1291 votes


  • Joyce, Kevin J.
    - 1289 votes

District Attorney
Dist. 2

  • (write in)

Governor (vote for 1)

  • Abbot, Steven W.
    - 279 votes
  • Beardsley, William H.
    - 33 votes
  • Jacobson, Matthew C.
    - 96 votes
  • LePage, Paul R.
    Waterville - 404 votes
  • Mills, S. Peter
    Cornville - 227 votes
  • Otten, Leslie B.
    Greenwood - 217 votes
  • Poliquin, Bruce
    Georgetown - 165 votes

Representative to Congress
District 1

  • Scontras, Dean Peter
    - 1041 votes

State Senator
District 7

  • Palmieri, Joseph C.
    South Portland - 1071 votes

Representative to the Legislature

  • Chatmas, Lauren M.
    (Dist. 121 only)
    Cape Elizabeth
    - 974 votes
  • Myrick, Kenneth Earle
    (Dist. 123 only) South Portland
    - 115 votes

Judge of Probate

  • (write in)

County Treasurer

  • (write in)

Register of Deeds

  • (write in)


  • (write in)

District Attorney
Dist. 2

  • Anderson, Stephanie
    Cape Elizabeth
    - 1176 votes


  • (write in)

Representative to Congress
District 1

  • (write in)

State Senator
District 7

  • (write in)

Representative to the Legislature

  • (write in)
  • (write in)  (Dist. 123 only)

Judge of Probate

  • (write in)

County Treasurer

  • (write in)

Register of Deeds

  • (write in)


  • (write in)

District Attorney
Dist. 2

  • (write in)
More: Elections Results History