Council Meeting Report

At the April 10, 2023 Town Council meeting, the council voted on the agenda items listed below.  Councilor Susan Gillis was not in attendance.

1. Approval of draft minutes for Town Council meeting on March 13, 2023; 6-0 vote.

2. Approval of item #58-2023 Consideration of Transfers for Willow Brook Projects; 6-0 vote. The vote approves Finance Director John Quartararo's recommendation for inter-project transfers to balance the project overage due to overall bidding in construction costs, issues with redesign costs, and the resulting prolonged project timeline.  Inter-project transfers include $12,000 from 2002-5104 FWP Tennis Court Resurfacing (completed), and $4,980 from CIP project 2002-5337 Culvert Assessment (completed); and an inter-fund transfer of $140,691.20 from the Sewer Fund to the CIP Fund for the CIP projects: 2001-5100/Willow Brook Culvert Replacement $123,921.20 and 2002-5337/Willow Brook Culvert Engineering/Planning $16,770.  Said Sewer Fund portion will be funded by transfers from accounts 0815-2072/Administrative Costs $1,500, 0815-2073/Allowance for Uncollectible $2,200, and 0815-2037/Sewer Line Maintenance $136,991.20 to account 0815-5037/transfer to CIP Fund in the amount of $140,691.  

The motion also includes approving the appropriation of $281 in additional grant funds from the Maine Natural Resource Council and $17,250.25 received from Portland Water District as reimbursement for expenses in project 2000-5100/Willow Brook Culvert Replacement.

3. Approval of item #60-2023 Proposed Stormwater Amendments set to Public Hearing on Monday, May 8, 2023; 6-0 vote. The proposed amendments to Chapter 25 Stormwater are recommended by the Planning Board on March 24.

4. Approval of Item #61-2023 LD 2003 Amendments prepared by the Ordinance Committee; 4-2 vote.  The vote approves sending the proposed amendments to the Planning Board for report back to the Town Council. In addition, the vote approves referring to the ad-hoc Housing Diversity Study Committee the supplemental options list to promote affordable housing as outlined in the memo from the Ordinance Committee, dated April 6, 2023 for report back to the Town Council.  

Councilor Timothy Reiniger made an additional motion to send his own supplemental amendments to the Planning Board.  No one seconded his motion.

The original motion was made by Councilor Caitlin Jordan and seconded by Councilor Penny Jordan.  Councilors Reiniger and Nicole Boucher voted against the motion.

5. Approval of item #62-2023 Request from Councilor Reiniger to Fund a Site Feasibility Study for Affordable Housing Development Purposes at Gull Crest; 6-0 vote.  There was no draft motion set, but the council approved Reiniger's request to for funding of this item not to exceed $100,000, for a site feasibility study for affordable housing development purposes at the town-owned Gull Crest property located on the side across from Colonial Village.  Funding would come from the FY 2023 budget in order to establish expeditious clarity on whether or not the land could be developed.

6. Approval of item #63-2023 School Budget Validation Referendum Warrant; 6-0 vote.  The vote approves the referendum election warrant for for the school budget to Tuesday, June 13, 2023.  The amount of the FY 2024 School Budget will be included in the language once approved by the School Board on April 11; and later by the Town Council on May 15.  The warrant also includes language for voters to supply non-binding expression of opinion over the budget number.

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