Town Center Sidewalk Project to begin

The Town of Cape Elizabeth has advertised and awarded the Town Center Sidewalk Project.  In mid-April, the Contractor (Gorham Sand and Gravel) will begin construction of the new sidewalks along the western side (Police Station, IGA Plaza) of Ocean House Road. The Town anticipates the completion of the project by September of this year.

The following is an overview of the project for Town Center Sidewalks - Segments 7 and 8: 

One segment of the project starts at Jordan Way and extends southerly to the High School entrance road. The second segment starts at C-Salt Gourmet Market and extends southerly to Fowler Road.  The project contains the following features: new storm drain system, street curbing, esplanades, street trees, pedestrian lighting, and sidewalks. 

The Federal Highway Administration and Maine DOT are funding 75% of the project. The Town is managing the project. 

Sidewalk construction in the Town Center is a recommendation of the 1993 and 2014 Town Center Plan, both of which were adopted by the Town Council. 

If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact the Public Works Department at 799-4151.

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