Planning Board Meeting March 21, 2023 Report

At the March 21, 2023 Planning Board meeting the board took action on the agenda items listed below.  Board member Jim Huebener was absent from the meeting.

1. Approval of Minutes from January 17, 2023 (4-0).  Board members Andrew Gilbert and Daniel Bodenski recused themselves from the vote.

2. Approval of Minutes from a Partial Workshop on February 7, 2023 (6-0).

3. Stormwater Amendments (6-0): The Planning Board voted to approve recommending their Stormwater Amendments (Chapter 25), including amendments to the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances -- which are required by MS4 permit, Sec. 19-10-3, to the Town Council for consideration.  

4. Carr Woods Major Subdivision and Resource Protection Permit request for an extension to the June 20, 2023 Planning Board meeting with no further extensions without exceptional circumstances presented by the applicant (4-1).  Board Member Alton Palmer voted against the motion.Matthew Caton made the motion to include "No further extensions will be granted" and Bodenski seconded.  Chair Jonathan Sahrbeck made a friendly amendment to include the language "without exceptional circumstances presented by the applicant" and noting for the record that the amendment goes beyond the ordinance's current language of showing "good cause."  The amendment was seconded by Bodenski.   Gilbert recused himself from this agenda item.

5. Lumbery Application for Site Plan Amendments deemed incomplete (0-6).  Board Member Derek LaVallee made the motion to consider the application incomplete; Palmer seconded.  The application from Michael Friedland/Yam Yam LLC for amendments to the previously approved site plan for the Lumbery is to change the exterior storage and display area was deemed incomplete.  Board members provided the applicant with direction on how to return with a complete application.

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