Council Meeting Report

At the March 13, 2023 Town Council meeting, the council voted on the agenda items listed below.  Councilor Caitlin Jordan was not in attendance due to illness. 


1.  Approval of draft minutes for Town Council Minutes for February 13, 2023 and March 1, 2023; 6-0 vote.

2.  Approval of item #47-2023 Renewal of Liquor Licenses for Purpoodock Club; 6-0 vote.

3.  Approval of item #48-2023 Renewal of Liquor Licenses for Tostones Café and a request for a special amusement permit; 6-0 vote.  The special amusement permit allows the owners of Tostones Café to offer extended hours one Saturday a month for Latin dancing.  On such a date, the café would remain open for dancing until 1:00 a.m. 

4.  Approval of item #49-2023 To Consider Scheduling the Date for Referendum Vote on the Citizens Petition Relating to the Enactment of a Residential Pesticide Use Ordinance; 6-0 vote. [See article for more information.]

5. Approval of item #50-2023 To Consider Possible Next Steps on the Citizens Petition Relating to the Enactment of a Residential Pesticide Use Ordinance; 6-0 vote.  With no draft motion included in the agenda, Councilor Jeremy Gabrielson made the motion to send the petition to the Ordinance Committee; Councilor Penny Jordan seconded.  The council voted 6-0 on the motion.

6.  Approval of item #51-2023 Recommendation from the Finance Director Relating to the Public Works Dump Truck Funding; 6-0 vote.  The recommendation is to approve the use of $169,658.56 in available 2021 lease-purchase proceeds by inter-account transfers of the available proceeds and $92,709.44 from the Undesignated Fund Balance for a total of $262,368.  Please see the Finance Director Memo of February 9, 2023 for more detail.

7.  Approval of item #52-2023 Approval of Bond Order Authorizing the Lease-Purchase Transaction with TD Equipment Financing; 6-0 vote.  The bond order is for a lease-purchase transaction with TD Equipment Financing as specified on Schedule 1 of the order for the replacement of windows at Portland Head Light Museum ($125,000 estimate), replacement of rescue ($300,000 estimate), SCBA tank replacements ($161,000 estimate), dump truck replacement ($198,000 estimate), and large rotary mower replacement ($135,000 estimate).

8.  Approval of item #53-2023 Recommendation from the Finance Director Relating to the FY 2023 Lease-Purchase Bid Award; 6-0 vote.  The council approved the award bid in the amount of $721,000 for the FY 2023 lease-purchase transaction to TD Equipment Financing with a fixed rate of 4.388%, which is fixed until March 21, 2023, for CIP projects.

9. Approval of item #54-2023 Recommendation from the Finance Director Relating to FY 2023 CIP Interproject Transfers; 6-0 vote.  The council approves the Finance Director’s recommendation to transfer ARPA funds for interproject use.  The interproject transfer of $40,435.67 from CIP project 2000-5101 Kettle Cove Drainage Improvements and $64,564.33 from CIP project 2000-5108 Surf Road Storm Water Management to CIP project 2003-5108 Mitchell Road Culvert Design, $65,000, and CIP project 2003-5109 Casino Beach Drainage Design, $40,000.

10.  Failure to pass Item #55-2023 Request from Councilor Reiniger to Amend the School Building Advisory Committee Charge; 3-3 vote.  Without a quorum of four votes in favor of a motion, the motion fails.  Councilor Susan Gillis made the motion to approve Councilor Reiniger’s request; Reiniger seconded. Councilors Gabrielson, Gillis, and Reiniger voted in favor of the motion.  Councilors Penny Jordan, Nicole Boucher, and Gretchen Noonan voted against the motion. 

11.  Approval of Item #56-2023 Request from Councilor Reiniger to Refer Proposed Changes to the Zoning Ordinance Related to LD 2003 to the Ordinance Committee; 4-2 vote. Councilor Jordan made the motion to approve; Gillis seconded.  Councilors Gabrielson, Gillis, Jordan, and Reiniger voted in favor of the motion.  Councilors Boucher and Noonan voted in opposition.  

12.  Approval of Item #57-2023 Referral of the FY 2024 Municipal Budget to the Finance Committee; 6-0 vote.  With the passing of the motion, the Finance Committee will begin reviewing the Town Manager’s proposed municipal budget on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

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