Flooding shuts down classrooms at Pond Cove Elementary School

UPDATED 2/28/23

Due to flooding that occurred during over the evening of Sunday, February 26, 2023, the Cape Elizabeth School Department had to cancel classes for first and second grade students, and one kindergarten class.  The entire Cape Elizabeth School Department is having a remote school day February 28 due to weather conditions.  Below please find an update sent to parents of Pond Cove Elementary students from the Assistant Principal Sarah Forrey-Pettit on February 27.

Today certainly made for an exciting way to return from vacation. We’ve learned that the water damage in the first and second grade wings and the main office was caused by a faulty part of the heating system. That part has now been replaced and the restoration work is underway. Though there is extensive damage in some areas, others are unaffected. Our facilities, custodial, and maintenance teams got to work immediately and are in the process of cleaning the impacted rooms so they are ready for learning again. We appreciate their quick and thorough work. 


We are also grateful to the families with children in first and second grades and Ms. Carey’s class for making last-minute adjustments with regard to the school cancellation and iPad pick up. Our staff worked vigorously to put together packets, organize iPads, and help move furniture and items from rooms with water damage. It was heartwarming to see everyone jump in and offer to do whatever was needed. Pond Cove is certainly a special place to be, especially in times like these. 


The best news of the day is that all students in grades K-4 will be back in school tomorrow, unless a remote day is called due to the weather. One first grade classroom will be displaced from their room for in-depth restorative work, and will instead be located in the school library. 

- Sarah Torrey-Pettit

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