Council tasks Energy Committee with determining climate action goals

At the February 13, 2023 Town Council meeting, the council voted in favor of tasking the Energy Committee with proposing steps toward determining climate action goals.  Chair Jeremy Gabrielson said the Town Council has, “For at least the past two years, had on their goals, a desire to develop more pointed climate plans for the town.”  The Town Council 2023 Goals under “Infrastructure” include: “Create climate action goals; Create Council and Committee goals in relation to State climate action plans; and Complete solar project at the Recycling Facility.”

Gabrielson said that after discussing the potential task at a recent Energy Committee meeting, “The committee is very interested in helping the council work through this item.”  Gabrielson said that after further discussion at the Town Council level, the motion on the table includes amending the charge of the Energy Committee by adding the following: 

Cape Elizabeth Town Council tasks the Energy Committee to perform a review of Maine Won’t Wait, the State of Maine’s climate action plan and make recommendations to the Cape Elizabeth Town Council on a Town climate action plan.  Additionally, to encourage coordination where applicable with other Town boards and committees regarding implementation of climate change initiatives.


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