Spirit of America Awarded to Kenneth S. "Scott" Berry

The Town Council awarded the 2023 Spirit of America Award to resident, Kenneth S. "Scott" Berry at the February 13, 2023 council meeting.  The council unanimously approved the nomination of Berry as put forth by the Town Manager and Town Clerk:  

Chair Jeremy Gabrielson read the nomination put forth to the council by the Town Manager's and Town Clerk:

We are honored to submit the nomination of Kenneth S. “Scott” Berry for the 2023 Spirit of America Award. 

The Spirit of America Award was created by the Spirit of America Foundation to encourage volunteerism in communities. 

Scott Berry, a descendant of the early settlers of Cape Elizabeth, embodies the spirit of volunteerism. Giving back to the community is evidenced by his decades of service to others. 

For 20 years, Scott has been a mainstay for the Elections Team. He has assisted thousands of voters at Town Hall during absentee balloting prior to elections and at the first incoming line on Election Day. Scott holds his calendar and often changes plans to accommodate the elections schedule. Long days and weeks of hard work do not deter him from coming back year after year. With his attention to detail, professional manner and quiet demeanor he is a pleasure to work with. 

Scott cares about people and is always available to lend a hand. His service has included the Cape Elizabeth Home, Cape Elizabeth Historical Preservation Society, and Seaside Cemetery Corporation. His fellowship extends to the First Congregational Church of South Portland serving as an Elder, Head Usher, Co-chair of the Spiritual Life and Worship Team, member of the Investment Oversight Team and Budget Committee, Community Crisis Ministries Committee and Fellowship Club to name a few. 

A proud Army veteran, and member of the Retired Army Officers Club sums up Scott’s commitment to service. 

Scott does not serve for recognition. However, this is an opportunity to acknowledge his work. 

 Carol Ann Jordan, who has worked along Berry as the Election Warden, addressed the council during public comment in support of the nomination, "I think it is safe to say that we couldn't hold an election in this town if it weren't for Scott. He is a joy to work with and deserves this award."

Reverend Estelle Margarones, the interim senior pastor at First Congregational Church in South Portland, said, "Scott exemplifies what it means to have a heart for service and the entire community benefits from his service."

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