Town Manager's Monthly Report

Town Manager's Report as delivered at the Town Council meeting on Monday, February 13, 2023.

On February 4, I attended the Maine Association of Police annual awards banquet. It was a great honor, as at the banquet the Cape Elizabeth Police Department received a number of outstanding honors. Chief Paul Fenton received the David W. Pickering Chief's Award for Chief of the Year, Sergeant Rory Benjamin received both the Heroism Award and the Lifesaving Award, Student Resource Officer David Galvan received the School Resource Officer of the Year Award, and former Cape Elizabeth Patrolman Arron Webster received the Lifesaving Award. A very proud moment for the Town and the Department. 

Staff is continuing discussions on the engineering and design for Shore Road improvements, and continue to explore funding options through both State and Federal resources. 

Staff performed a site walk at the Recycling Center earlier this week with our solar power installation partners in advance of their site plan approval process with the Planning Board next month. At this point the project has presented their first meeting in January, will begin Site Plan Review in March, and an anticipated approval in April, with construction planned for late summer / early fall, and completion by the end of fall, early winter. 

Town Planner Maureen O’Meara and I met with State Senator Anne Carney, a representative of the Maine DOT, and a Cape Elizabeth resident to explore the possibility of a sidewalk on Ocean House Road, and discussions will continue to explore planning, engineering, and construction funding opportunities. 

Finally, construction repairs continue at the Community Services building to correct the damages incurred from water damage over the Christmas holiday weekend. 

Respectfully submitted,


Matthew Sturgis 

Town Manager

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