Email subscription options increased

The Town of Cape Elizabeth's email subscription service has updated the list of subscription topics to include all boards and committees, as well as news related to LD 2003.  Registered subscribers may update their subscription preferences by CLICKING HERE.  Readers who have not yet registered, but are interested in receiving updates on topics of personal interest may do so using  the same link.

This service allows users to password-protect subscriptions, change email addresses, and/or remove oneself at anytime.  Confirmation emails will be from verifying updates and/or registration.

Questions regarding this service should be emailed to Susana Measelle Hubbs.

Below, please find the current list of topics available for subscription through this service:

  • Latest News
  • Community Events
  • Town Council meetings
  • Ordinance Committee
  • Elections
  • New Schools Building Project
  • Building Permits Issued
  • Headlines of the Month
  • Housing Diversity Study 
  • Planning Board meetings
  • LD 2003
  • Community Services Committee
  • Conservation Committee
  • Energy Committee
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
  • Fort Williams Park Committee
  • Recycling Committee
  • Riverside Cemetery Committee
  • Thomas Memorial Library Committee
  • Board of Zoning Appeals

Stay Connected!

More: Latest News