General Assistance Appendices and new Recovery Residence Housing Maximums adopted

During the November 14, 2022 Town Council meeting, the council voted unanimously to adopt the General Assistance Maximums, Appendices A, B, D-G, and the new Recovery Residence Housing Maximums for October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023.  Preceding the vote a public hearing was held, but no members of the public spoke.

Chair Jeremy Gabrielson explained, “Every year the Maine Municipal Association puts forward a set of for general assistance that are in line with the state’s law on General Assistance provision.”

Councilor Timothy Reiniger asked Town Manager Matthew Sturgis if he expects the new appendices, “To have a major impact on our town budget considerations?”  Sturgis answered that while some service areas are indeed concerned about the federal funding that will end this calendar year, “This will not impact us.  We have done fairly well working within our means here and we haven’t seen those patterns change, so I anticipate that to remain stable going forward.”

Gabrielson said that based on guidance the council received during a recent fall workshop, “These appendices we are about to adopt provide us with the maximum amount of flexibility to meet the needs of folks who are applying for general assistance, while staying within the confines of what is required by the state law.”   As the state begins to look at general assistance at the state level, Gabrielson added that he hoped the process will, “Bring a little bit of greater fairness to the general assistance laws.”

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