Fresh Pickins' Farm site plan approved

On Tuesday, October 18, 2022, the Planning Board voted 6-0 in favor of approving Fresh Pickins Farm's site plan review application to construct a permanent, 440 square foot farm stand, located at 192 Bowery Beach Road.  Robert Metcalf, of Mitchell & Associates Landscape Architects, presented the application on behalf of Dan Marion.  Marion, who owns and operates Fresh Pickins' Farm, will extend the operation of his flower business to full-time from April through December.

The board tabled the application on September 20 to the October meeting in order to hold a site walk on September 28. Following the site walk, the applicant submitted revisions to the plan based on input received from staff and Planning Board members.  Updates to the plan include: A revision to address circulation and parking; the use of an incinerator-type of sanitary waste disposal enclosed within a wood structure; a solar panel used to provide power to the sanitary waste disposal system; and a waiver for the width of the gravel portion of the access drive to 18 feet -- the minimum width required for fire apparatus.

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