Town Manager's Monthly Report

The following is a transcription of Town Manager Matthew Sturgis' report to the Town Council during the August 8, 2022 council meeting.

I have one housekeeping item and one follow up item from the last meeting that I would like to report out to the council on.

On Thursday, August 18, town hall and town services will be closed that day.  We will be doing staff training and an Employee Appreciation Day, with a luncheon served at the picnic shelter.  Town Council is invited to attend.  This is an annual event where we do training for the staff and we have done that for as long as I can remember.  Please plan a head on the 18th as we will be closed on that day.

Secondly, I have an update on the solar project.  I have finally made contact with Encore Renewables.  We are looking to receive correspondence back from them by the end of this month.  We will have an updated plan on the timetable as to when they would like to do the project, as well as a revised offer.  Due to the bill that passed in the senate, that has changed the landscape for them significantly.  Additionally, some inflationary items with the construction of the project have come back, as well as President Biden removing the tariffs on solar panels. A number of things have changed over the last few months that now will change the complexion of that project.  But they will be coming back to me with a new offer by the end of the month. I will report back to the council once I have that project in hand.

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