New home for Historical Preservation Society

On Monday, July 11, 2022 the Town Council unanimously approved Town Manager Matthew Sturgis' recommendation to enter into an agreement with the Cape Elizabeth Historical Preservation Society (CEHPS) for the occupancy of the Bachelor Officers' Quarters Building at Fort Williams Park and amending the records management agreement.  Sturgis said that the society's relocation to Fort Williams Park comes after, "A lot of hard work between the Historical Society, specifically Bob Dodd, Ellen Van Fleet, and Jim Rowe, and a lot of conversations we have had; to end up getting to this point sometimes seems like things happen for a reason."  Sturgis added that the agreement is an update to a longterm relationship and collaboration between the town and the historical society, "We have always had this agreement, but with a lot of different iterations starting at the library, then the fire station, and now to a much larger space."  

Bob Dodd, President of CEHPS, said, "This has been a wonderful process working with Matt to see if we can expand what the Historical Society has been doing and it is really exciting."  Dodd explained that the expansion will include the creation of, "A Cape history center that will safely store artifacts and town records, but will also have the ability to display things we now have for the town to see; we would be creating a museum as part of this town history center."  Additionally, the new location will include a Fort Williams Museum that will model what the military base was like and how the base served the Portland area. 

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