On Monday, April 25, 2022 the Town Council Finance Committee reviewed the School Board Budget Fiscal Year 2023 without further need for additional meetings. Superintendent Christopher Record, School Board Finance Chair Phil Saucier, and Business Manager Marcia Weeks provided the committee with a presentation illustrating the stages of the budget development process which began in the fall of 2021 and concluded on April 11 upon the School Board's unanimous approval of the final budget. As proposed, the total budget expenditures for FY2023 are $31,255,751. This marks a 4.68% expenditure increase and a 4.97% property tax rate increase. In comparison to all Cumberland County budgets, Cape Elizabeth expenditure increases were among the lowest in the county; with Brunswick showing the highest increase by 13.51% and Cape Elizabeth's 4.68% coming in 13th.
(Data provided courtesy of the Cape Elizabeth School Board)
The original proposal showing a 6.49% expenditure increase and a 7.46% property tax increase, was lowered through: the removal of various new staffing requests in the amount of $496,643; reduced allocation to Nutrition Services; reduced allocation for a new bus lease purchase; lower than budgeted health insurance costs; and by applying $750,000 from the fund balance. Additionally, funding from the State of Maine Department of Education is allocated to be $2,019,106 -- which represents an increase of 14% from last year. Items increasing the budget included a $200,000 increase for oil; collective bargaining negotiations increase of $215,000; $150,000 in contingency planning; and an increased annual contribution to the town for the Hannaford Field turf by $10,000.
Saucier explained that budget decisions were made based on the School Board's Budget Goals. These include:
(Pro Forma courtesy of the Town of Cape Elizabeth)