Council approves MOU with CCAG

Following meetings and workshops on January 10, February 14, and March 7, 2022, in which a Draft Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Cape Elizabeth and the Cape Community Arena Group (CCAG) was discussed and edited, the Town Council voted unanimously to enter into an agreement with the approval of the latest iteration of the MOU as written, minus Section VII Dispute Resolution.  Per the recommendation of the Town's legal counsel, it was advised that Section VII be deleted as the Town Council already maintains the right to approve or not approve the project.   Councilor Caitlin Jordan made the motion to approve and Councilor Susan Gillis seconded. 

During the March 7 workshop, the CCAG announced that they would also be pursuing the installation of a temporary rink at Gull Crest for the winter season of 2022-2023, in conjunction with their planning for a community arena [Article].

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