Town Manager's Monthly Report

March 14, 2022

Town operations have been active over the past month.  We have gone out to bid on three public works projects, one affordable housing study request, and a review of the wireless infrastructure in Cape Elizabeth.

Over the next six weeks the storm-water drainage projects at Kettle Cove and Surf Road will begin.  The work will be performed by Gorham Sand and Gravel.  Notice will be sent by mail to the surrounding neighborhoods in advance of each project's start.  Both projects will be paid by the proceeds of the American Rescue Plan funds.

The Willow Brook culvert replacement also had a successful bidding process, with Shaw Brothers the successful bidder.  The project. has a restricted construction window due to environmental considerations.  This project will be undertaken in July to comply with the regulations.  Notice of this project will also be mailed to the abutting properties in advance of the start.

The wireless infrastructure project continues, with a formal reporting out on the project requested to the council for a presentation on April 20th if that can be scheduled by the council.

Version 2 of the request for proposals for the affordable housing study resulted in seven responses.  Staff has organized all of the responses for review, with a request for a brief council meeting on Wednesday, March 16th.  The review of the study will directly follow a workshop with the Scarborough council to provide direction on review and selection recommendations to the council for action at the April council meeting.

The Shore Road improvement project planning continues, with staff in the process of meeting with the commercial property owners along the corridor.  Staff is in the process of planning a public hearing to review the current progress, take input and comments, and make additional adjustments, with a plan to present to the council later this spring.

Respectfully submitted,

Matthew E. Sturgis

Town Manager

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