Town Manager's Monthly Report

February 14, 2022 

The Recycling Committee recently completed their review and approval of the applications for bottle donation funds. The Committee approved the award of twelve applications, which totaled $15,000.00 in funds. These funds are being distributed to community youth-related groups and will assist in financially supporting their respective programs. Funds are generated by the generosity of Cape Elizabeth residents who donate their returnable bottles at the Recycling Center.

At next month’s council meeting I have Gary Best of the State Bureau of Parks and Lands coming to provide an update on the State’s plans on improvements planned for Kettle Cove State Park.

Over the next two weeks we have bid openings for both American Rescue Plan funded infrastructure projects for Kettle Cove and Shore and Surf Road, and for the Willow Brook culvert replacement project. All three projects garnered good interest.

The Winter Carnival fireworks display was very well attended on February 5th. The Town received a nice thank you email from Tony Wagner of the South Portland / Cape Elizabeth Rotary, and provided an uplifting moment this winter. Our Public Works Department cleared the snow and slush from the prior day’s storm  to accommodate visitors, and Chris Cutter our Park Coordinator closely worked with Rotary at the event.

Finally, Tax Assessor Clint Swett sent a revaluation reminder out with the recently mailed second half tax bills, as the assessment update will begin this spring. 

Respectfully submitted,

Matthew E Sturgis 

Town Manager


Photo Courtesy of Northern Point Photography

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