Cape Elizabeth School Department receives donation from local family

At the October 12, 2021 School Board meeting, in accordance with Policy KCD, the School Board voted unanimously to accept a $50,000 donation from a local family.  Superintendent Chris Record shared that the family, who wishes to remain anonymous, reached out to meet because, "they were excited to donate to Cape Elizabeth School Department."  Following that meeting, the family submitted a formal benefaction for an amount larger than first discussed.  While the family stated that they did not have any expectation of oversight or review of how the donation could be used, they did provide two suggestions.  One suggestion included cross-district programming which might enable economic or other diversity to Cape Elizabeth and the second had to do with providing more advanced math options at the Cape Elizabeth Middle School.

Board member Phil Saucier said, "I think it's incredibly generous and am very thankful.  I particularly respect that although [the donor] had ideas, they will leave it up to the administration."  Chair Heather Altenburg added, "We are obviously, as a board and as a district, incredibly grateful for this generosity.  I think it's another testament to how passionate this community is about education and how much we care." Following the vote, the board and superintendent offered applause to the donor.

More: Latest News School Department