During the October 12, 2021 School Board meeting the board voted unanimously to adopt the following five goals for the 2021-2022 school year:
Support the passage of a bond in 2022 for a new Pond Cove and Middle School as well as the renovation of Cape Elizabeth High School.
Identify and examine data points for social emotional learning (SEL), academics, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in order to measure efficacy and progress of programming.
Communicate with the community through multiple channels to provide information and seek feedback in order to be effective, transparent, and a positive voice for education.
Create a fiscally responsible budget, through the established budget process, that meets the academic and social/emotional needs of all students.
Advance the efficacy of the Board by participating in activities such as onboarding of new members and ongoing Board development.
Chair Heather Altenburg added that the board plans a midyear assessment of the goals to make sure, "we are moving the dial." The School Board formed the goals with the assistance of Superintendent Chris Record and Assistant Superintendent Michelle McClellan during their annual School Board Retreat on September 23, 2021.