Town Manager's Report

As reported to Town Council on September 14, 2020

Applications for the Senior Citizen Tax Relief program are now available.

The Tax Assessor mailed out 200 application packets last week to prior recipients and

people who have requested applications last year. The program has a maximum benefit of

$500 for Cape Elizabeth residents, 65 or older, have lived in their home for ten years,

either own or rent, and have an annual household income of $60,000 or less.

Applications are available on the Town’s website or by calling 799-1619 and requesting

one be mailed to you.

Recycling Center fees resumed on September 8.

Fees for disposal of leaf and yard waste, brush, and other demolition materials at the

recycling center were suspended in March due to concerns of the pandemic. This was

primarily due to attempting to minimize exposure of staff and patrons. Over the past

months materials have been installed to provide protection such as Plexiglas shields and

other personal protective equipment for staff, and now we are able to conduct



Public Works Director Jay Reynolds is working on a re-opening plan for the swap shop

and for returnable bottles. I am afraid I misspoke last month that we would be able to

receive returnable bottles and cans, as our partner firm is experiencing staff shortages and

is unable to provide that service at this time. We are exploring other options and should

have a solution shortly.

Automatic CPR device makes a difference.

Fire Chief Gleeson has provided me with a letter of thanks the Fire and Rescue

Department received from the mother of a 35 year old man who suffered a heart attack

recently when visiting Cape Elizabeth. The Town’s Paramedics and Emergency Medical

Technicians responded within 5 minutes of the call, and employed the Town’s Lucas

Device, an auto CPR device, which provided the treatment that was essential in saving

this young man. The Chief and I wanted to thank the council for the support you provide

the department with equipment such as this, which made the difference between life and

death. It is great to be able to share a positive ending to what could have been a tragedy.

Respectfully submitted,

Matthew E. Sturgis

Town Manager

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