Ad hoc Civil Rights Committee members selected

At the Sept. 14, 2020 Town Council meeting the selection of seven committee members to serve on the ad hoc Civil Rights Committee was approved by the council 6-0.  In response to the Aug. 1 call for applicants, Councilor Valerie Deveraux, chair of the Appointments Committee and councilors Jeremy Gabrielson and Caitlin Jordan met with 17 applicants on Aug. 25 and 26.  Seven committee members and one student representative were put forth by the Appointments Committee. Deveraux said that all the applicants were "exceptional and that the decision was not easy."

The Town Council approved the following community members to serve on the Civil Rights Committee:

Keyla Alston, Dheeraj Khare, Kimberly Monaghan, Paul Seidman, Jim Sparks, Melanie Thomas, and Rafina Young.  Miriam Esch Levanos, a sophomore at Cape Elizabeth High School, will serve as a student representative.  Deveraux noted that although there is room for two student representatives, only one student applied.

Deveraux will serve as the Town Council representative to the committee as a non-voting member.

The Town Council approved the creation of the ad hoc committee during a special meeting on July 20 to identify and review policies in town government, services and municipal departments that contribute to systemic and structural racism, making recommendations for policies to promote greater equity and inclusion. 

A complete description and charge of the Civil Rights Committee can be found here

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