Town manager authorized to enter into negotiations with Encore Renewable Energy

During a special meeting on July 2020, the Town Council voted unanimously to authorize Town Manager Matthew Sturgis to enter into negotiations with Encore Renewal Energy for a solar power installation at the Cape Elizabeth Recycling Center former landfill site, as recommended by the Energy Committee.  

On Jan. 30 the town issued a request for proposals for design, construction, operation, and financing  of a photovoltaic array with an anticipated 20-year contract.  Seven companies responded and seven bidders ultimately presented 37 variants. The Energy Committee, chaired by Sam Milton, spent the last few months conducting due diligence, developing a scoring matrix, and analyzing metrics before arriving at their choice of bids.  Receiving four options from Encore, the committee selected Encore 1 as their top recommendation.  With an estimated net present value over the next 20 years of $900,00 in savings to the taxpayers, Milton said that he is "proud to finally shepherd this through."  

Committee member Richard Parker said that the "final recommendation was based not only on quantitative and qualitative data, but on subjective comparisons between bids" and that the committee felt that Encore best met the town's overall objectives and has a vested interest in Maine.  Parker also offered the committee's expertise in negotiating contracts if so needed.  Sturgis shared that the town be hiring legal services to assist in the process of negotiating.

An analysis of bids by the Energy Committee presented to the Town Council during a June 1 workshop can be found here.

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