School policy on harassment, sexual harassment of students tabled pending clarification on confidentiality

The School Board on April 14, 2020 tabled a draft update to its policy on harassment and sexual harassment of students.

A major component of the draft, presented for first reading in March, was to safeguard requirements for confidentiality to which some state-licensed staff, including psychologists and social workers, are bound.

On further review, however, members of the policy subcommittee recognized a desire to extend that protection to employees who may not have the same level of licensure. "School nurses and school counselors are individuals that might be trusted, that might find themselves in situations where they want to be that ear for a student," said Hope Straw, chair of the Policy Committee.

The board agreed to table final approval of Policy ACAA - Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students until the committee can discern legal options for protecting confidentiality.

In other policy matters, the board heard first readings of updates to policies for graduation requirements (Policy IKF), and on sharing information on physical exams between home and school (Policy JLCA).

Proposed updates to the graduation-requirements policy remove references to proficiency-based learning, repealed last year by the Legislature, but clarify adherence to Maine Learning Results proficiency by earning course credit. Standards for alternate pathways to proficiency, and for students with Individual Education Plans, are also addressed. The proposal also expands requirements for home-schooled students to attend at least two semesters of their senior year, rather than simply two semesters, to be eligible for a Cape Elizabeth High School diploma.

Proposed revisions to the policy on how physical-exam information is reported to the school primarily affects student athletes, said Straw, and would not be implemented until after the fall 2020 season. The graduation-requirements policy, however, will come back to the board in May for approval and implementation before the end of the school year.

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