Memorial Day parade canceled; town to offer video remembrance Memorial Day weekend

The town of Cape Elizabeth's 2020 Memorial Day Parade and open house at the Town Center Fire Station have been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In honor and respect for those who died in active military service, a Memorial Day remembrance video will be posted Memorial Day weekend here on the town's website and on CETV, as well as social media platforms.

Emcee for the presentation is Jim Huebener, Memorial Day Parade Chairman.

The presentation will highlight the Cape Elizabeth Police Department's Honor Guard, laying of the wreath at the War Veteran's Memorial by Grace McKenzie, Army Medic, and other features that residents look forward to during traditional Memorial Day remembrances.

Residents, family and friends are encouraged to use the video as an opportunity to remember in their own way the men and women of the military.

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