Request absentee ballot now for safe, mail-in voting for July 14 election

If you haven't already, now is the time to request an absentee ballot for the July 14, 2020 primary election and school budget validation.

Request an absentee ballot for July 14, 2020 Primary, School Budget Validation

Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap encourages absentee voting amid COVID-19 pandemic:

The town of Cape Elizabeth, along with state election officials, is encouraging absentee voting as the safest way to participate in the election while stemming the spread of coronavirus and COVID-19.

"We encourage folks to request a ballot now," said Town Clerk Debra Lane, adding that her office has received more than 900 requests already. Requesting early will help staff organize the mailings and get them out most efficiently when ballots become available in mid-June.

Voters who receive absentee ballots by mail will also be encouraged to return them by mail.

For more information about absentee voting, voter registration or for other election questions, please contact Lane, 207-799-7665.

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