Elections Results History

School budget passes

Validation results Cape Elizabeth voters overwhelmingly approved a $19.8 million school budget for 2008-09 in a validation election Sept. 2. Unofficial results announced by Town Clerk Ruth Noble Tuesday night showed 1,425 voting "Yes"…

School budget validation fails a second time

For the second time, Cape Elizabeth voters defeated a proposed school budget for 2008-09. In a special validation referendum July 22, a $19.9 million budget adopted by the Town Council on July 14 was narrowly defeated by a vote of 1,141 again…

School budget validation fails

Click here for school budget validation results Click here for primary, referundum results (Cape Elizabeth results only) The school budget adopted by the Town Council on May 27 failed to pass a townwide validation vote June…

Lynch, McKenney re-elected, Kennealy to join School Board

Click a link below for Cape Elizabeth results of this year's election: Municipal Election ballot State Referendum ballot County Referendum ballot Town Council incumbents Mary Ann Lynch and Paul McKenney were re-elected to the co…

Cape voters support both bond issues in state referendum election

Cape Elizabeth voters supported the two bond issue questions that gained statewide approval on the referendum election June 12. A total of 609 voters turned out at Cape Elizabeth High School for the two-question referendum, a turnout of approximatel…

Recount upholds Dill election to State House seat

Following a recount of ballots cast in the Nov. 7 election for Maine State House Dist. 121, Democrat Cynthia Dill remained the winner in the close race. The recount was requested by the Republican candidate for the office, Jennifer Duddy, followi…

Short-cut road initiative passes in June 13 election

Town 'short-cut' initiative results | Primary results Cape Elizabeth voters approved a townwide initiative to limit short-cut roads between developments by a vote of 1,158 to 847. Voter turnout at the June 13 special municipal and prim…

Swift-Kayatta, Dill win Town Council election

Municipal results | Referendum results (Cape Elizabeth only) Town Council incumbent Anne Swift-Kayatta handily won re-election to a third term, and newcomer Cynthia Dill was elected to a first term in Cape Elizabeth's municipal election Tuesd…

McKenney winner of special election by 6 votes

By a margin of six votes, Paul McKenney won Tuesday's special election to the Town Council. McKenney's opponent Cynthia Dill has indicated to Town officials that she will make a written request for a recount. McKenney won the election …

Goldman wins State House, next municipal election will be in November

State Ballot Results General Election State Referendum Municipal Ballot Results Portland Water District Trustee Charter Amendment Muni…

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