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Happy Earth Day from TML & Recycling Committee!

You are probably aware that thin plastic film - such as bread bags or plastic mailers - is not recy…

CETV repairs completed

CETV On Demand hardware repairs are now complete.  Regularly scheduled meetings streamed on CETV LI…

Finance Committee to review School Board Budget and receive update on SBAC

The Town Council Finance Committee will meet in workshop with the School Board Finance Committee to…

CEPD brings Blue Envelope Program to residents

Sergeant Kevin Kennedy and the Cape Elizabeth Police Department have brought a new resource to Cape…

Free Tower Tours for Cape Residents May 5

Cliff House Beach

Updated: April 17, 2024Cleanup work has begun.  The lower portion of Sea View Avenue at Cliff House…

TD Beach to Beacon Registration for Cape Residents April 18

Registration for the TD Beach to Beacon 10K will begin for Cape Elizabeth at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday,…

Wreath Laying Ceremony for USS Eagle

This Week's Schedule

UPDATED 4/16/2024:  The Energy Committee has postponed their meeting to Thursday, April 25, 2024.Th…

SBAC Survey

Updated April 16, 2024: The SBAC update on the survey now includes more specific information on how…

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