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Town Manager's Report

December 14, 2020 Our battle against COVID-19 continues, as recent reports have shown increases …

Candidates Needed for Town Boards and Committees

The Town Council Appointments Committee is accepting applications from residents to fill vacancies …

Cape Elizabeth Police Department Food Drive Saturday, December 12

The Cape Elizabeth Police Benevolent Association  will be sponsoring a food drive th…

Questionnaire and Five User Groups Scheduled for Fort Williams Master Plan

The Fort Williams Park Committee launched the beginning of the Master Plan Update on September 24, …

Planning Board Approves Site Plan for Public Safety Telecommunications Tower

Following a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, the Planning Board voted unanimously in f…

Planning Board Approves Short Term Rental Amendments and Revision of Recommendation Number 86 of 2019 Comprehensive Plan

Updated: November 19, 2020 Nine citizens spoke at the November 17, 2020 Public Hearing on Short …

Town Council Progresses Sustainable Community Goal

The Town Council is forging ahead in their efforts to ensure a sustainable future for the town as o…

Thomas Memorial Library Receives Generous Gift from the Estate of Frances Dyer

The Thomas Memorial Library was bequeathed $51,170.29 on September 23, 2020 by the Estate of France…

Town Council Selects Garvin as Chair for 2021

Jamie M. Garvin was elected to serve as Town Council Chair for 2021 at the council's annual cau…

As COVID-19 Cases Increase, Town Manager Stresses Continued Safety Practices

Updated: November 10, 2020 Per Govenor Janet T. Mills November 5, 2020 Executive Order, face mas…

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