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Proposed Carr Woods development tabled until December

Following a site visit on September 2, 2021, the Planning Board held a Public Hearing on Tuesday, S…

Survey posted for Building Oversight Committee Membership Interest

On September 14, 2021, the School Board endorsed the creation of a Building Oversight Committee [Ar…

Outer Loop Boardwalk Replacement Project -- Almost There!

September 8th through the 18th marks a 10-day, all out, push by the Cape Elizabeth Conservation Com…

School Board approves details for creation of a Building Oversight Committee

On Tuesday, September 14, 2021 during a School Board meeting, the board unanimously approved the fo…

Paint products now accepted at Recycling Center

The Cape Elizabeth Recycling Center is now accepting paint products for reuse and disposal.  The To…

Fundraising request for community arena tabled

During the Monday, September 13, 2021 Town Council meeting councilors voted 6-1 in favor of tabling…

Town Council to hold workshop on feedback received during public hearing.

The Town Council heard from numerous residents during the Public Hearing on the proposed Town Cente…

Town Manager's Monthly Report

September 13, 2021 The fall season is upon us, and this fall is lining up to be a very busy month. …

Elise Gordon-Libby Bridge receives the 2021 Ralph T. Gould Award

The Town Council honored Cape Elizabeth resident Elise Gordon-Libby Bridge with the 2021 Ralph T. G…

Conservation Committee asking for more volunteers for the Outer Loop Boardwalk this Tuesday

The Conservation Committee is putting out a call for additional volunteers this Tuesday, September …

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