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Planning Board approves Resource Protection Permit for Willow Brook Culvert

On November 16, 2021 the Planning Board voted 6-0 in approval of granting the Town of Cape Elizabet…

Town Council seeks Housing Diversity Study

The Town Council voted to approve a Request for Proposals for a Housing Diversity Study during the …

Fort Williams Park Master Plan Update 2021 Approved

The Fort Williams Park Master Plan Update 2021 was approved by the Town Council on Monday, November…

USM Chamber Singers perform at Portland Head Light in honor of Veterans Day

The University of Southern Maine Chamber Singers honored Veterans with patriotic songs and hymns at…

Election Recount holds November 2 outcome

A recount of the November 2, 2021 municipal ballots for town council was conducted on Thursday, Nov…

Council vote on TIF indefinitely tabled following citizens petition for referendum

On Monday, November 8, 2021 the Town Council was poised to vote on the proposed Second Amendment To…

Outgoing Chair Garvin offers closing comments

At the Monday, November 8, 2021 Town Council meeting Chair Jamie Garvin, who will be ending his six…

Veteran's Day town closures

In honor of our veterans, Town Hall and Thomas Memorial Library will be CLOSED on Thursday, Novembe…

Town Manager's Monthly Report

As the Council year is coming to a close, this is an opportunity to review the Town Council goals f…

Notice of Election Recount

A recount of the municipal ballots from the November 2, 2021 town council race has been requested b…

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