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Housing Diversity Study receives seven proposals

Updated 3/17/2022:  The Town Council voted 6-0 in favor of referring the Housing Diversity Study RF…

Tostones Café liquor license approved

Following a Public Hearing on March 14, 2022 in which resident Tim Thompson spoke favorably of Tost…

Council approves MOU with CCAG

Following meetings and workshops on January 10, February 14, and March 7, 2022, in which a Draft Me…

Parking issues on Reef Road sent to Ordinance Committee

The Town Council unanimously voted to refer parking concerns on Reef Road to the Ordinance Committe…

Proposed Fiscal Year 2023 Municipal Budget delivered to council

During the Monday, March 14, 2022, Town Council meeting, the council approved referring Town Manage…

Town Manager's Monthly Report

March 14, 2022Town operations have been active over the past month.  We have gone out to bid on thr…

Great Pond Boat Storage Lottery Complete

The lottery for Great Pond Boat Storage Permits was held at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, March 14, 2022 in …

Cape schools to go mask-optional starting March 14

Update:  On March 8, 2022 during the School Board meeting, the board voted 6-0 in favor of approvin…

Cape Community Arena Group considers a temporary rink

During the March 7, 2022 Town Council workshop the council continued to discuss the Draft Memorandu…

March 11 - Last day to submit Great Pond seasonal boat storage application

The last day to submit applications for Great Pond Seasonal Boat Storage Permits is this Friday, Ma…

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