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Cape Elizabeth Town Council Agenda
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
7:00 p.m. Cape Elizabeth Town Hall
Council Chambers

Jessica L. Sullivan, Chairman
James M. "Jamie" Garvin
Caitlin R. Jordan
Penelope A. Jordan
Sara W. Lennon
Valerie A. Randall
Christopher M. Straw


00:14 Convening by Town Council Chairman Jessica L. Sullivan

00:21 The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

00:49 Roll Call by the Town Clerk

01:08 Recognition of Service for Councilor Lennon and Council Chairman Sullivan's Last Regular Meeting

16:26 Town Council Reports and Correspondence

18:41 Finance Committee Report
Dashboard and Financial Reports as of 10/31/2018

Appropriation Control
Expense Distribution
Revenue Control
Revenue Distribution


20:21 Citizen Opportunity for Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda

20:39 Town Manager’s Monthly Report

25:21   Review of Draft Minutes of October 10, 2018

27:05 Public Hearing           Sewer Service Area Amendment – 33 Wells Road

Comments shall be limited to three minutes per person; however, the time may be extended by majority vote of councilors present.

27:42 Item #140-2018          Sewer Service Area Amendment – 33 Wells Road

On August 13, 2018 the town council referred a request to the planning board from Sue and Greg Sarka 33 Wells Road to expand the sewer service area to their residence.

The request was reviewed at the September 4 planning board workshop followed by a public hearing and unanimous vote on September 18 to recommend the request.

On October 10, 2018 the town council voted to set a public hearing for November 14.

It is anticipated the town council will vote on the request this evening.

29:30 Item #141-2018          General Assistance Appendices

Opportunity for Public Comment (Limited to 15 minutes; 3 minutes per person. Time may be extended by a majority of the town council.)

On September 10, 2018 the town council set to public hearing on October 10, 2018 the General Assistance Ordinance Appendix (A – D) as recommended by the Maine Municipal Association effective October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2019. At the October 10 meeting the town council approved Appendices A, B & D, pending further review of Appendix C.

37:21 Item #142-2018          Purpoodock Club Licenses

Opportunity for Public Comment (Limited to 15 minutes; 3 minutes per person. Time may be extended by a majority of the town council.)

It is proposed to approve the annual malt, vinous, and spirituous licenses and the mobile service bar license and special amusement permits for the Purpoodock Club located at 300 Spurwink Avenue.

Proposed Motion:
ORDERED, the Cape Elizabeth Town Council approves the malt, vinous, and spirituous licenses and the mobile service bar license and special amusement permits for the Purpoodock Club located at 300 Spurwink Avenue as presented.





39:12 Item #143-2018          Proposed Commercial Van, Bus and Vehicle Traffic & Fees

Opportunity for Public Comment (Limited to 15 minutes; 3 minutes per person. Time may be extended by a majority of the town council.)

The Fort Williams Commercial Passenger Vehicle Subcommittee was established by the Fort
William Park Committee to review commercial passenger vehicle fees at Fort Williams Park. On
May 3, 2018 the Fort Williams Park Committee reviewed the recommendations of the subcommittee
and voted (6-0) to make recommendations to the town council relating to commercial vehicle fees.
On May 14, 2018 the town council acknowledged receipt of the recommendations and referred to a
future workshop.

The recommendations were reviewed in workshop session on July 16, 2018.

The town council will consider adoption of the recommendations and next steps.

46:34 Item #144-2018          Request from Conservation Committee for Council direction on the Dog Ordinance.

Opportunity for Public Comment (Limited to 15 minutes; 3 minutes  per person. Time may be extended by a majority of the town council.)

The Town Council referred to the Conservation Committee review of the Dog Ordinance (March, 2018). At the October 9, 2018 meeting, the committee discussed multiple options. Before proceeding further, the Conservation Committee would like input from the Town Council on its recommended approach.

Recommended  action is to refer the request to a workshop with the Conservation Committee on
December 13, 2018.

01:01:37 Item  #145-2018         Town Council  to provide next steps to the Town Manager on pay and display  parking at Fort  Williams  Park.

Opportunity for Public  Comment (Limited to 15 minutes; 3 minutes  per person. Time may be extended by a majority of the town council.)

June 11, 2018 - The town council tasked the Fort Williams Park Committee to craft a proposal for pay/display parking at Fort Williams Park.

August 13, 2018 - The town council referred the report to a workshop on September 17.

September 17 & October 2, 2018 Workshops - The town council continued review of the feasibility of pay and display parking at Fort Williams Park and possible next steps.

October 10, 2018 - The town council voted to refer to the ordinance committee Chapter 13 Traffic Regulations to address pay and display parking regulations at Fort Williams Park in order to have ordinances in place if pay and display is approved.

November 13, 2018 Workshop - The workshop provided additional discussion to review the possible structure of pay and display.

The town council will consider adoption of pay and display and next steps.


01:16:24 Item #146-2018          Request for two council members to participate on the Needs Assessment Committee organized by the Cape Elizabeth School Department.

Opportunity for Public Comment (Limited to 15 minutes; 3 minutes per person. Time may be extended by a majority of the town council.)


The Cape Elizabeth School Department is beginning the process of a needs assessment of the school facilities. A request for participation  by two town council members was made, with planned discussions and facility reviews planned over the upcoming two months.

01:20:12 Item #147-2018          Joint Town Council/School Board Workshop

The town council will consider scheduling a workshop with the school board on December 17 to continue discussions of mutual interest as reviewed at the October 23 joint workshop.

01:21:05 Item #148-2018          Election Overview

Citizens of Cape Elizabeth are engaged and participate in elections. Most often the voter turnout in Cape Elizabeth exceeds the state and national average. Through the years the town has adjusted to the needs. Changes include moving the election to the high school, adding voter tabulation machines and voting booths, working with the school department to request a no-student day on election day to provide space within the building and parking spaces, and adding election staff.

Necessary changes, the cost of ballots, associated costs with voter tabulation machines and required absentee balloting have increased the elections budget.

Staff has always and will continue to review ways to provide a positive experience for voters. During the FY 2020 review of the elections budget, it is anticipated the requested budget will exceed previous budget requests.

No action is anticipated at this time.

01:43:22 Citizens may at this point in the meeting raise any topic that is not on the agenda that pertains to Cape Elizabeth local government.
