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00:08 Roll Call by the Town Clerk

00:22 The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

00:46 Town Council Reports and Correspondence

01:14 Finance Committee Report and Dashboard

Appropriation Control
Expense Distribution
Revenue Control
Revenue Distribution

04:38 Citizen Opportunity for Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda

07:37 Town Manager’s Monthly Report

14:44 Review of Draft Minutes of January 8, 2018 and February 12, 2018
15:34 Item #40-2018 Dogs to be Restrained on Municipal Property

Link to Town Manager’s Memo

On January 8, 2018 the town council approved amendments to Chapter 7 Dogs Section 7-1-7 to be Retrained on Municipal Property to change the existing delineation of the off-leash area in Fort Williams Park.

During the discussions of the off-leash areas there has been mention of an overall question of whether
dogs should be allowed on any athletic field, no matter what time of the year, leashed or unleashed
and further clarification is needed for policies relating to other town-owned property e.g. Gull Crest.

It was a consensus of the town council to request the town manager to provide recommendations to
address issues that have been raised.

It is the town manager’s recommendation that Chapter 7 Dogs be referred to the conservation committee for review and recommendations for revisions to section 7-1-7.

24:58 Item #41-2018 Recommendation to Move Food Vendor Permit Site at Fort Williams Park

The town council will review the recommendation of staff and the Fort Williams Park Committee to relocate concession Site A to the left of Captain Strout Circle adjacent to Site B, to increase the site size from 50’ sq. ft. to 90 sq. ft. and to remove the former Site A. Increasing the size of the site will better accommodate interested vendors. The intent is for the change to take place for this season, and if necessary, review after the season ends.

It is recommended the town council approve the staff recommendation to the vendor permit
site changes to Site A as presented.

31:26 Item #42-2018 Request for Zone Change – Tower Overlay District

Tower Specialists, Inc. (Justin Strout) is requesting a zone change for the existing Tower Overlay District encompassing the entire parcel at 14 Strout Road, Map R05 Lot 024 and a small portion of 341 Spurwink Avenue Map R05 Lot 029. Mr. Strout has paid the $100.00 ordinance change fee.

It is recommended the town council refer the request to the planning board for review and recommendation.

38:12 Item #43-2018 Ottawa Road Combined Sewer Overflow Remediation – Funding for the Completion of Phase III

Director of Public Works Robert Malley has provided a detailed update relating to the Ottawa Road Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Remediation Phase III project as outlined in the Ottawa Road CSO Master Plan dated December 2013.

Phase III is the removal of illicit connections from homes (approximately 40) identified as having illicit connections to the sanitary system. Given the complexity and cost of removals, in December 2016 the town council voted to assume the costs of removal of $320,000.

The production and procurement of construction easements has taken more time, coordination and expense than originally envisioned.

The town manager is requesting additional funding to complete Phase III of the Ottawa Road CSO Project. It is recommended the town council approve the recommendation of the town manager to appropriate $290,000 from the Sewer Fund to complete the project.

45:48 Item #44-2018 Conservation Committee Recommendation – Town Owned Lot Map U03 Lot 092

Linkto Real Estate Acquisition/Disposition Policy

On January 8, 2018 the town council authorized the town manager to consider the offer from Marc Greichen and Sandra Elliott to purchase Lot U3-92 off Ocean View Road for $35,000 and to refer the request for purchase to the conservation committee for review.

The conservation committee met on February 13, 2018 and voted 7-0 to make the following recommendation to the town council.

The Conservation Committee recommends that the town owned lot U3-92 not be sold to preserve options for future greenbelt connectivity and neighborhood open space. If the lot is sold, the Conservation Committee recommends that a 15’ wide easement be retained on the southeast corner and the proceeds of the sale be placed in the land acquisition fund.

53:39 Item #45-2018 Draft Mission/Vision Statement for Fort Williams Park

A goal of the town council for 2018 is to “Work with the Fort Williams Park Committee to review the mission, vision and financial sustainability of Fort Williams Park.” The town council met with the Fort Williams Park Committee on February 5 to discuss the mission/vision of the park. This statement will help to guide the council in future decisions.

At the March 5 town council workshop, the council drafted the following mission/vision statement.

Mission / Vision Statement for Fort Williams Park
The town’s vision for Fort Williams Park is to provide a safe, high quality space for Cape Elizabeth citizens and visitors to enjoy. We will protect and maintain access to the park’s historic elements and natural beauty for this and all future generations, and optimize the town’s stewardship by managing the park through financially and ecologically sustainable practices.

It is recommended the town council review the draft mission/vision statement for Fort Williams Park. The town council may adopt, edit, refer to a future workshop or meeting for further review.

55:40 Item #46-2018 Draft Report– Paper Streets Public Workshops Prepared by Good Group Decisions

It is recommended the town council acknowledge receipt of the draft report prepared by Good Group Decisions relating to the February 1 and 3, 2018 paper streets public workshops.

59:11 Item #47-2018 Funding Request from the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust for the Purchase of Robinson Woods III

Linkto CELT Request dated February 20, 2018

On December 11, 2017 the town council referred the request from the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust for funding to assist with the purchase of 51.9 acres abutting the Robinson Woods Preserve to a future workshop. CELT is requesting 1/3 or $281,666 of the purchase price from the town.

At the workshop on March 5, 2018 the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust presented their request.

It is in order for the town council to refer the request of the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust for funding of Robinson Woods III to the conservation committee for review and recommendation.

01:01:02 Item #48-2018 Recommendation of the Appointments Committee
Vacancies – Fort Williams Park Committee and Planning Board

The appointments committee recommends the following appointments to fill unexpired terms on the Fort Williams Park Committee and Planning Board.

Fort Williams Park Committee to fill an unexpired term, effective immediately, until 12/31/2019.
Kenneth D. Pierce, 35 Oakhurst Road

Planning Board to fill an unexpired term, effective immediately, until 12/31/2019.
Andrew T. Gilbert, 32 Aster Lane

01:02:46 Item #49-2018 Update – Spurwink School Building

Councilor Garvin, Chairman of the Spurwink School Reuse Committee will provide an update relating to the work of the committee. Possible action is to extend the deadline for the report from the committee.

01:10:25 Item #50-2018 Recycling Committee – 2018 Goals and Objectives

One of the 2018 goals of the town council is for boards and committees to present their goals and work plans for the year.

It is recommended the town council acknowledge receipt of the recycling committee’s 2018 goals and objectives.

01:12:23 Item #51-2018 Request of the Harbors Committee to Extend the Deadline

On December 10, 2017 the town council approved the request of the harbors committee for a three-month extension until March 31, 2018 in order for the committee to complete its work. The committee is requesting an additional one-month extension.

It is recommended the town council approve the request of the harbors committee to extend the deadline until April 30, 2018 in order for the committee to complete its work. It is further recommended the town council approve the recommendation of the town manager to transfer $2,500 from the Undesignated Fund Balance to 0715-5313 (Harbors Committee) to cover the additional expenses of the extended deadline.

01:17:08 Item #52-2018 Executive Sessions – Discussion of Collective Bargaining Agreements and Annual Evaluation of the Town Manager

Link to Cape Elizabeth Benevolent Association Contract - Expires 6/30/2018
Link to Teamsters Union Local #340 Contract - Expires 6/30/2018

Collective bargaining agreements, Cape Elizabeth Benevolent Association (police employees) and Teamsters Union Local #340 (public works employees) expire 6/30/2018. In preparation for bargaining, the town manager would like to meet with the town council to receive direction.

Town Manager Matthew Sturgis has completed his first year as town manager. The town council will begin the annual evaluation of the town manager.

Draft Motion: ORDERED, the Cape Elizabeth Town Council enters into executive session in conformance with 1 MRSA §405 6 A to begin the annual evaluation of the town manager and
1 MRSA §405 6 D to receive direction relating to collective bargaining agreements with the Cape Elizabeth Benevolent Association and Teamsters Union Local #340.

Citizens may at this point in the meeting raise any topic that is not on the agenda that pertains to Cape Elizabeth local government.
