Cape Elizabeth Town Council Agenda
Monday, September 12, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Cape Elizabeth Town Hall
Molly MacAuslan, Chair
James M. “Jamie” Garvin
Patricia K. Grennon
Caitlin R. Jordan
Sara W. Lennon
Katharine N. Ray
Jessica L. Sullivan
Convening by Town Council Chair Molly MacAuslan
00:05 Roll Call by the Town Clerk
00:22 Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
00:46 Town Council Reports and Correspondence
03:38 Finance Committee Report: Link to
September 1, 2016 Financial Reports
04:24 Citizen Opportunity for Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda
06:59 Town Manager’s Monthly Report
10:37 Review of Draft Minutes of
August 8, 2016 meeting.
10:58 Public Hearing
01:42:50 Paper Street Extensions, Vacation and Acceptances
Item #110-2016
Paper Streets
After the public hearing regarding
recommendations for extending, discontinuing or accepting the town’s incipient rights in certain paper streets, it is recommended that after discussion this item be tabled to the October 5, 2016 town council meeting.
01:43:20 Item #111-2016
Comprehensive Planning Committee
It is proposed to form a comprehensive planning committee to begin meeting in early 2017. It is proposed to approve the
draft charge and a budget of $55,000
01:44:17 Item #112 -2016 Thomas Memorial Library Foundation by-Laws
The bylaws of the Thomas Memorial Library Foundation provide that members are nominated by the trustees of the Thomas Memorial Library. It is recommended that the town council request the Foundation to provide that nominees shall instead be nominated by the Thomas Memorial Library Committee. It is also recommended that in lieu of two trustees serving on the Foundation board that two members of the Thomas Memorial Library Committee serve.
01:45:32 Item #113-2016
Annual General Assistance Updates
Each year the Maine Municipal Association provides us annual general assistance updates for the council to consider. It is recommended that the council adopt the
annual updates.
01:46:55 Item #114-2016 Technical Amendments
The ordinance committee has
recommended many
technical amendments to the code of ordinances.
It is recommended that a public hearing on the proposed amendments be scheduled for Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Cape Elizabeth Town Hall.
01:54:04 Item #115-2016
Election Warrant
It is recommended the town council approve the election warrant for the November 8, 2016 municipal election.
02:08:10 Item #116-2016 Town Manager Transition
The town manager has indicated his intent to resign on December 31, 2016. It is recommended that the town council serve as the search committee for a new town manager and to utilize the services of a professional search consultant. The council has issued a request for proposals for such services and will review proposals received at an upcoming workshop. The council hereby authorizes the town manager to contract with a firm as directed by the council. The expenses for the transition shall be paid from Account 7156000.
02:09:57 The town council may also enter executive session to discuss personnel matters and to receive advice from the town attorney on a legal matter relating to the status of the former library building.
01:55:55 Vote to take items out of order
01:56:57 Item #117-2016 Consideration of Approval of
Grant Application
The Conservation Committee is requested authorization to apply for a Recreational Trail Development Grant from the Bureau of Parks and Lands for the construction of Pollack Brook Bridge and trail project.
02:03:57 Item #118-2016
Conservation Committee Goals
The Conservation Committee has forwarded to the town council an
update of their goals for your review.
End of Items on the Agenda
02:07:55 Citizens may at this point in the meeting raise any topic that is not on the agenda that pertains to Cape Elizabeth local government.