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Town Council Meeting Materials

Date Time Type Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
12/16/2013 7:00 pm Appointments Committee Standing Boards and Commissions Orientation Agenda
12/9/2013 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
12/2/2013 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
11/20/2013 6:00 pm Appointments Committee
11/19/2013 6:00 pm Appointments Committee
11/13/2013 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
11/6/2013 6:15 pm Annual Caucus Agenda Supporting Documents
11/6/2013 7:00 pm Regular - Meeting date changed due to Veteran's Day holiday on the second Monday of November Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
11/4/2013 6:00 pm Appointments Committee
10/16/2013 5:00 pm Site Visit - Following the sitewalk, the Town Council and the Conservation Commission will hold a workshop on the 2013 Greenbelt Plan update at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall. Agenda Supporting Documents
10/16/2013 6:30 pm , Conservation Commission Workshop - Prior to the workshop, the Town Council will hold a site walk at 5 p.m. and will meet at the end of Pilot Point Rd. See attached agenda. Document listed as "minutes" are workshop notes Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
10/10/2013 8:00 am -9:30 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
10/7/2013 7:00 pm Regular - Meeting date changed due to Columbus Day holiday on the second Monday of October Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
9/25/2013 6:30 pm , School Board joint workshop - A meeting with the auditors will begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by a review by the finance chairs of capital stewardship planning Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
9/19/2013 8:00 am -9:30 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
9/9/2013 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
9/5/2013 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
8/12/2013 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
7/30/2013 5:30 pm Site Visit, Workshop - The workshop will begin at the bus drop off circle adjacent to the central parking lot at Fort Williams Park. This is the lot at the bottom of the hill just before turning left to go to Portland Head Light. After the visit to Fort Williams Park, the actual meeting will be continued at the Cape Elizabeth Town Hall.

The workshop agenda will include a review of proposed vendor regulations for Fort Williams Park. The council members will also briefly visit other park projects and proposed projects while at Fort Williams Park.

The Fort Williams Advisory Commission has also been invited to attend.

The agenda is established in a special meeting format instead of a workshop format in case the council wishes to go into executive session to consult with the town attorney regarding legal rights and duties of the council.

Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
7/11/2013 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Canceled - Will not be held due to lack of business.
7/8/2013 7:00 pm Regular - Following the meeting the council will hold a brief workshop and meet as the board of directors of the Museum at Portland Head Light. See "supporting documents" link for agendas, other documents Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
6/10/2013 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
6/4/2013 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
5/30/2013 8:00 am -9:30 am Ordinance Committee - Meeting date changed to May 30. An updated agenda will be provided prior to the meeting. Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
5/13/2013 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
5/8/2013 7:00 pm Workshop Canceled - Will not be held due to lack of agenda items. None yet available
5/2/2013 8:00 am -9:30 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
5/1/2013 5:00 pm Appointments Committee - Interviews for a vacancy on the Conservation Commission.
4/29/2013 7:00 pm Budget Public Hearing and Adoption Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
4/11/2013 7:00 pm Finance Committee Agenda Supporting Documents
4/11/2013 7:00 pm Special Meeting - Meeting will be held following the 7 p.m. Finance Committee meeting to set the budget for public hearing. Afterward the council will meet as the Directors of the Museum at Portland Head Light [agenda ]. Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
4/10/2013 7:00 pm Finance Committee, School Board Budget Presentation Agenda
4/8/2013 7:00 pm Regular - Opportunity for Budget Public Comments Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
3/27/2013 5:00 pm Appointments Committee - The committee will be interviewing applicants for the new Town Center Plan Committee 2013
3/20/2013 7:00 pm Finance Committee Canceled - The Finance Committee has completed review its municipal-budget review.
Review of Accounts 300 and 640-660 and Special Funds has been rescheduled to after the March 11 regular Town Council meeting.
None yet available
3/14/2013 7:00 pm Finance Committee - Review of Accounts 100, 200, 400, 500, 600-635 None yet available
3/13/2013 7:30 pm -9:00 pm , School Board meeting with legislators - Sen. Rebecca Millett and Rep. Kim Monaghan-Derrig; Rep. Scott Hamann if available. None yet available
3/11/2013 7:00 pm and Finance Committee - Following the meeting the Town Council Finance Committee will review municipal accounts 300 and 640-660 and Special Funds. This includes public works, recycling, parks, and all special funds. The Finance Committee's March 20 meeting, where this review was to have taken place, will instead be held as a wrap-up meeting if needed. Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
3/7/2013 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
3/4/2013 7:00 pm Workshop and Special Meeting - See link for materials for four meetings:

1. Town Council Workshop
2. Special Town Council meeting in order to vote to go into executive session to continue the annual evaluation of the town manager
3. Meeting of the Board of the Museum at Portland Head Light (The board consists of the seven members of the Cape Elizabeth Town Council)
4. Meeting of the Thomas Jordan Trust Board of Directors (The board consists of the seven members of the Cape Elizabeth Town Council)

Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
2/11/2013 7:00 pm Regular - A brief workshop meeting to review the budget approval schedule will follow. Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
2/8/2013 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
2/4/2013 7:00 pm Workshop Canceled - Due to light agenda, workshop will be held following the Feb. 11, 2013 Town Council meeting None yet available
1/10/2013 7:00 pm Workshop - Please note location change Agenda Supporting Documents
1/7/2013 7:00 pm Regular - Meeting date is a change to regular second Monday due to scheduling conflict Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
1/4/2013 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
1/2/2013 6:45 pm Special Meeting Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
1/2/2013 7:00 pm , School Board workshop Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents

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    PO Box 6260
    Cape Elizabeth, ME
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