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Town Council Meeting Materials

Date Time Type Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
12/10/2012 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
12/3/2012 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
11/28/2012 9:00 am , School Board meeting with state legislators - Officials and newly elected state legislators representing Cape Elizabeth will discuss upcoming issues, goals and objectives, and set a meeting schedule for the upcoming legislative session. Agenda
11/19/2012 8:00 am -9:30 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
11/15/2012 6:00 pm Appointments Committee - The Town Council Appointments Committee will interview candidates for various boards and commissions.
11/14/2012 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
11/7/2012 6:00 pm Workshop and Caucus None yet available
10/24/2012 8:00 am -9:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
10/17/2012 8:00 am Ordinance Committee moved to Oct. 24 None yet available
10/10/2012 6:00 pm Gould Award Reception - Reception at Purpoodock Club to Recognize 2012 Ralph Gould Award Recipient

In addition to recognizing the citizen receiving the Gould award, the reception will also includes thanks to Sara Lennon for 6 years of town council service.

The formal announcement and presentation of the Ralph Gould Award will be made at the Town Hall at the town council meeting which follows at 7:00 p.m.

10/10/2012 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
10/1/2012 7:00 pm Finance Committee and Workshop - Main Topic: Annual Review of Financial Statements with Auditors Agenda Supporting Documents
9/20/2012 8:00 am -9:30 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
9/10/2012 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
9/6/2012 4:00 pm -6:00 pm Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
9/5/2012 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda
8/15/2012 5:00 pm Thomas Memorial Library Board of Trustees/ Public Engagement Strategic Working Group - The working group, composed of Town Council chair Sara Lennon, library trustees/council liaison Jessica Sullivan, trustees chair Ruthanne Haley and Town staff, is charged with communicating and coordinating public engagement plan efforts for the library building project Agenda
8/14/2012 4:00 pm Ordinance Committee moved to Sept. 6 - This meeting has been moved to Sept. 6, 2012. Agenda Supporting Documents
8/13/2012 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
8/6/2012 6:00 pm Workshop - Discussion of regulating short-term rentals.
Members of the town council have been invited to come early at 5:30 p.m. for pizza, salad etc. in the William Jordan Conference Room. There will be no discussion of any pending municipal issues during the time in the conference room. As any gathering of the town council constitutes a public meeting, others may come at 5:30 p.m. to watch the council eat.
Agenda Supporting Documents
7/31/2012 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
7/19/2012 5:00 pm Thomas Memorial Library Board of Trustees/ Public Engagement Strategic Working Group - The working group, composed of Town Council chair Sara Lennon, library trustees/council liaison Jessica Sullivan, trustees chair Ruthanne Haley and Town staff, is charged with communicating and coordinating public engagement plan efforts for the library building project Minutes draft
7/17/2012 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Canceled - Next meeting will be July 31, 2012. None yet available
7/9/2012 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
6/19/2012 8:00 am -9:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
6/11/2012 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
6/7/2012 8:00 am -9:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
6/6/2012 5:00 pm Thomas Memorial Library Board of Trustees/ Public Engagement Strategic Working Group - The working group, composed of Town Council chair Sara Lennon, library trustees/council liaison Jessica Sullivan, trustees chair Ruthanne Haley and Town staff, is charged with communicating and coordinating public engagement plan efforts for the library building project
Meeting rescheduled from May 10, use Scott Dyer Road entrance.
Agenda Supporting Documents
6/4/2012 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
5/31/2012 7:00 pm library building project public engagment meeting - The meeting is a chance for residents to hear current design plans for a new Thomas Memorial Library and Cultural Center, and to ask questions. None yet available Supporting Documents Video
5/24/2012 8:00 am -9:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
5/14/2012 7:00 pm Regular - Town Council Final Budget Vote. Draft agenda updated 04/27/2012 Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
5/9/2012 5:00 pm Thomas Memorial Library Board of Trustees/ Public Engagement Strategic Working Group - The working group, composed of Town Council chair Sara Lennon, library trustees/council liaison Jessica Sullivan, trustees chair Ruthanne Haley and Town staff, is charged with communicating and coordinating public engagement plan efforts for the library building project
Meeting rescheduled from May 10, use Scott Dyer Road entrance.
5/7/2012 8:00 am -9:00 am Ordinance Committee Canceled - Next meeting date TBD. Agenda Supporting Documents
4/23/2012 7:00 pm Budget Public Hearing - Town Council final budget vote will be May 14, 2012. (Hearing and adoption dates revised 04/02/2012) Agenda Minutes Video
4/11/2012 7:00 pm Finance Committee and Special Meeting - School Board presentation of school budget. Special meeting to set overall 2013 budget for public hearing. (Special meeting moved from April 12 on 04/05/2012) Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents
4/9/2012 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
4/4/2012 7:00 pm Finance Committee - Finance Committee Review of Municipal 300 and 640-660 and Special Funds Supporting Documents
4/2/2012 7:00 pm Finance Committee - Finance Committee Review of Accounts 100, 200, 400, 500, 600-635 Supporting Documents
3/19/2012 8:00 am -9:00 am Ordinance Committee - Supplemental documents updated 03/16/2012 Agenda Supporting Documents
3/12/2012 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
3/5/2012 7:00 pm Workshop - Attached minutes are meeting notes. Minutes Supporting Documents
2/29/2012 8:00 am -9:00 am Ordinance Committee - Please note location change to Assessing/Codes/Planning Conference Room. Agenda Supporting Documents
2/13/2012 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
2/6/2012 7:00 pm Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
1/20/2012 8:00 am -9:00 am Ordinance Committee - Meeting will end at 9 a.m. instead of 9:30 a.m. Supplemental materias added 01/19/2012. Agenda Supporting Documents
1/17/2012 6:30 pm Appointments Committee - Interviews for opening on Zoning Board of Appeals. FMI or to schedule an interview, please see news article.
1/11/2012 8:00 am Ordinance Committee Agenda Supporting Documents
1/11/2012 7:00 pm Finance Committee and Workshop Agenda Supporting Documents
1/9/2012 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video

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  • E-mail all Town Councilors
  • Mailing Address:
    PO Box 6260
    Cape Elizabeth, ME
  • Note: E-mails and letters sent to local officials are almost always public records. Limited exceptions may be found in the Maine statutes. The local media and other interested parties have from time to time asked for copies of e-mails and mailed correspondence. In sending an e-mail to any elected or appointed town official or school official, citizens should have no expectation of privacy