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Cape Elizabeth Planning Board
Monday, April 23, 2018
7 pm
Cape Elizabeth Town Hall


00:13 1. Approval of Minutes: February 26, 2018
01:07 April 3, 2018 workshop


01:32 2. 69 Beach Bluff Terrace Private Accessway Permit - Peter Weare is requesting a 90-day extension of the approval granted December 19, 2017 for a private accessway to create access for a lot located at the rear of 69 Beach Bluff Terrace, Sec. 19-7-9, Private Accessways.


02:32 3. 19 Wells Rd Telecommunications Tower - Global Signal Acquisitions IV, LLC (Crown Castle) is requesting Site Plan review, a Resource Protection Permit, and Shoreland Zoning review to construct a 180' tall telecommunications tower to be constructed at 19 Wells Rd (R5-30), Sec. 19-9 Site Plan, Sec. 19-8-3, Resource Protection Permit and Sec. 19-8-2, Shoreland Zoning Performance Standards Request to Table.


03:42 4. Cross Hill Boardwalk RP Permit - The Town of Cape Elizabeth is requesting a Resource Protection Permit to construct up to 600' of 4' wide boardwalk on existing greenbelt trail located northeast of Tiger Lily Ln, Sec. 19-8-3, Resource Protection Permit Completeness and Public Hearing.

10:47 5. 8 Aster Ln Private Road review - Margaret Birlem is requesting a private road review to create frontage for a lot located at 8 Aster Lane, Sec. 19-7-9, Private Rd completeness.

agenda continued ...

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3