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Zoning Board

Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting Materials

Date Time Type Agenda Minutes Supporting Documents Video
12/27/2011 7:00 pm Canceled - There will be no December 27, 2011 meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals as no submission was received. The next scheduled meeting will be on January 24, 2012. None yet available
11/22/2011 7:00 pm canceled - Due to lack of applications submitted, the next Zoning Board of Appeals meeting is scheduled for Dec. 27, 2011 None yet available
10/25/2011 7:00 pm Canceled - Caneled due to lack of applications submitted. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov.22, 2011, 7 p.m. in the Town Hall chamber None yet available
9/27/2011 7:00 pm canceled - There will be no September 27, 2011 meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals as no submission was received. The next scheduled meeting will be on October 25, 2011. None yet available
8/23/2011 7:00 pm canceled - No applications were received. Next scheduled meeting is Sept. 27, 2011. None yet available
7/26/2011 7:00 pm Regular Agenda Minutes Video
6/28/2011 7:00 pm canceled - There will be no June 28, 2011 meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals as no application was received. The next scheduled meeting will be on July 26, 2011 None yet available
5/24/2011 7:00 pm canceled - There will be no May 24, 2011 meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals as no application was received. The next scheduled meeting will be on June 28, 2011. None yet available
4/26/2011 7:00 pm canceled - Canceled due to lack of submission. Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 24, 2011. None yet available
3/22/2011 7:00 pm canceled - No submissions received. The next scheduled meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals is on April 26, 2011
2/22/2011 7:00 pm Canceled - Canceled due to lack of submissions. Next meeting is scheduled for March 22, 2011
1/25/2011 7:00 pm canceled - Canceled due to lack of submissions. The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 22, 2011.

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  • E-mail Zoning Board of Appeals
    Staff Contact: Benjamin McDougal, Code Enforcement Officer
  • Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 6260
    Cape Elizabeth, ME
  • Note: E-mails and letters sent to local officials are almost always public records. Limited exceptions may be found in the Maine statutes. The local media and other interested parties have from time to time asked for copies of e-mails and mailed correspondence. In sending an e-mail to any elected or appointed town official or school official, citizens should have no expectation of privacy.
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