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School Board Special Meeting

March 27, 2014

8 p.m.

Cape Elizabeth High School


00:05 Welcome

04:34 Public Comment on agenda items

41:44 2. Consideration to approve the Superintendent’s recommendations for administrator contract renewals for the 2014-2015 school year. [According to 20-A M.R.S.A. § 13303(1)B, the deadline for written notice of renewal/non-renewal to principals whose contracts expire in 2014 and have been employed for two years or less is April 1.]

48:35 3. Consideration to approve the addition of an April 17, 2014 student early release day to the 2013-2014 academic year calendar.

50:20 4. Consideration and action to adopt the 2014-2015 Community Services Budget.
5. Consideration and action to adopt the 2014-2015 School Board Budget. Both budget items tabled to April 8, 2014 business meeting due to lateness of hour

51:15 6. Motion to adjourn.