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Printout shows nearly $430,000 increase in Cape school subsidy for 2020

Cape Elizabeth's state school subsidy for fiscal 2020 is slated to increase $429,510 over this year's $1.26 million allocation, an increase of 33.8 percent.

The preliminary subsidy printout published by the state Department of Education Feb. 15, 2019 shows projected 2020 state subsidy of $1,653,599 for Cape Elizabeth, plus a $44,443.20 for participating in the state's Regional Service Initiative, for a combined allocation of $1,698,042.22.

The printouts are based on the $1.1 billion in general-purpose funding recommended for fiscal 2020 by Gov. Janet Mills in her 2020-2021 biennial budget, according to a Department of Education news release. "This amount is an additional $41.3 million from last year, and reflects the Governor's commitment to increase the state's share of education funding."

The School Board has begun work on formulating its expenditure budget and will next meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26, in the High School library. All workshops are open to the public and will be broadcast live over CETV or recorded for video-on-demand.

The Regionalization and Efficiency Assistance award of $44,443.20 is for Cape's participation in the Greater Sebago Education Alliance, a state-approved regional service center comprised of nine other area school districts.

Participation in the alliance, approved by Cape voters in November, is already showing benefits, Superintendent Donna Wolfrom reported at the Feb. 12, 2019 meeting of the School Board. The group has been sharing professional development opportunities and food purchasing and has received a grant for a leadership academy which will be up and running for participating districts next year, she said,

The alliance includes Brunswick, Gorham, Scarborough, Portland, South Portland, Westbrook, RSU 5 (Freeport), RSU 14 (Windham-Raymond), MSAD 15 (Gray-New Gloucester) and MSAD 6 (Bonney Eagle).